From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Tue Feb 16 12:27:09 2016

To: Dan Adsit

Cc: Gerald Fisher; Ryan Hepler (Molalla); Dan Zinder

Subject: RE: Molalla Water rights Claim Form

Importance: Normal


I will send the plans shortly through Dropbox. See my comments below as well.

Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director

Licensed in OR, WA

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038

O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676

From: Gerald Fisher []

Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 11:47 AM

To: Dan Adsit <>; Ryan Hepler (Molalla) <>

Cc: Jennifer Cline (Molalla) <>

Subject: RE: Molalla Water rights Claim Form

Hi Ryan,

I found the plans showing the 1.2 MG reservoir constructed in 1977 and the 2.0 MG reservoir constructed in 1998.


Gerald Fisher, PE | Senior Project Manager

PROJECT DELIVERY GROUP, LLC | 3150 22nd Street SE; Salem, OR 97302 | 503-364-4004 (O) | 503-679-9237 (C)

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From: Dan Adsit

Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 11:15 AM

To: Ryan Hepler (Molalla) <>

Cc: Jennifer Cline (Molalla) <>; Gerald Fisher <>

Subject: Molalla Water rights Claim Form

Good Morning, I am to a point in the preparation of the Beneficial Use Claims form that I need a few questions answered.

With the following questions answered I can finalize and get to the Water Department for review:

1. Date of completion for the construction of the entire system. As of right now the Department and all documents I have indicate the Permit to complete and finalize the Construction is dated 1995. When was the actual completion day of the current system? May need to have Dan Z. dig upstairs for the construction file box. The original water take improvements were constructed in 92-93? However, in 1996 a flood washed out the Booster Pump Station and a new pump house was constructed under emergency. Followed by a filter and reservoir expansion in 1998.

2. (Question 9b.) Is there a fish screen in the system at the intake or point of Diversion from the Molalla? Appears from the 96 pump station plans there are fish screens on sheet 4 of 23.

3. I will need photos of the Screen if available, I understand it is presently under water? Yes

4. (Question 9e.) Has the fish Screen been approved by ODFW, this may be waived as the system was active prior to February 1, 2011, but having this information in my records would help to bypass any questions. Unknown, unless Dan Z is able to find a box on the pump station.

5. Was there ever a diversion per this next question (question 10 on the Claim Form):

10. By-pass Devices

a. Are any points of diversion required to have a by-pass device to prevent fish from

entering the point of diversion? None known

From what I have seen via photos as I have not been to the site, the intake is directly in the River and there were no channels dug to eliminate fish from gaining access to the inflow? My initial answer was NO, but I wanted to get an answer from you.

11. Other conditions required by permit, permit amendment final order, extension final order,

or transfer final order: All unknown at this time.

  1. a. Were there special well construction standards? YES NO
  2. b. Was submittal of a ground water monitoring plan required? YES NO
  3. c. Was the water user required to restore the riparian area if it was disturbed? YES NO
  4. d. Was a fishway required? YES NO
  5. e. Was submittal of a letter from an engineer required prior to storage of water? YES NO
  6. f. Was submittal of a water management and conservation plan required? YES NO
  7. g. Other conditions? YES NO


If “YES” to any of the above, identify the condition and describe the water user’s actions to comply with the condition(s):

F. Daniel Adsit | Professional Land Surveyor

PROJECT DELIVERY GROUP, LLC | 3150 22nd Street SE; Salem, OR 97302 | 503-364-4004 (O) | 503-932-8352 (C)