From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Tue Oct 13 16:44:53 2015
To: COLE David
Cc: BAILEY Randall; Jason Clifford; Dan Huff; YELTON-BRAM Tiffany; J.W. Ring; Christine Hein; Mark Strandberg
Subject: RE: Molalla leak test report review questions.
Importance: Normal
Attachments: appendix B.pdf; Leak Test 2015.xlsx; Hi David, Below in RED are the written answers to your questions. I have also attached a flow diagram of the plant that was generated with the last updates in 2007. Please let me know if there are additional specifics you would like to see in regards to the leak test. Additionally, I have attached updated data on the leak test data. In the Influent inches/day column, Lagoon #1 and #2 influent totals were revisited and updated to reflect what occurred. This update reflects that from 8/18 to 8/29, no influent went into lagoon #2 as you can see from Lagoon #1 effluent. Prior to that, from 8/14 to 8/17, there was some effluent going from #1 to #2. The final results for Lagoon #2 slightly changed and still support the leak test results. Please let me know if this information addresses your concerns. If it does not, and you feel we still need to meet on site tomorrow, please let me know what the agenda will be. Regards, Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director Licensed in OR, WA 117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038 O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676 From: COLE David [] Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 2:48 PM To: 'Jennifer Cline' <> Cc: COLE David <>; BAILEY Randall <> Subject: Molalla leak test report review questions. Hello Jennifer. After reviewing your leak test report, we have some questions we need answered. We would prefer if you could come meet with us in one of our conference rooms. Please send me a list of days and times you could meet us here, over the next week or so. I believe an hour should be sufficient time to go over the test results and answer our questions. Please prepare to answer the following questions: · What was going on with pond levels during the test? Pond #1 was increasing from 8/18-8/29. Pond #2 was decreasing on the days we irrigated. · Where do the influent and effluent numbers come from? Meters? Where are the meters located? Influent numbers come from influent flowmeter @ the Parshall Flume. Total Flow (decimal)/.325mgd(this is how many gallons of influent to increase pond levels 1”). Example: 8/14/2015, influent total was .6455mgd/.325mgd(1” in pond)=1.986 inches of influent. Effluent numbers came from the staff gauges. · We need to know how the level for the aeration basin is controlled if it is between the influent flowmeter and the lagoons. Aeration Basin level is controlled by a Pulsar Ultra 3 level sensor connected to (3) GE VFD’s to control pump speeds, which in turn control basin level at all times. Please bring a full-scale flow diagram to help us get a complete picture of the locations for the critical system and test components. Thank you. David Cole, R.G. Water Quality Specialist DEQ - Northwest Region & Western Region 700 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 600 Portland, OR 97232 503-229-5011 (P) 503-229-6957 (F)