From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Fri Aug 07 08:38:58 2015
To: Mark Strandberg
Cc: Christine Hein; J.W. Ring; Dan Huff; Phillip Bender
Subject: Re: Molalla information requests.
Importance: Normal
Hi Mark,
Yes I did look for them and I do not have a copy in my emails. I will need to have Heather or Peggy pull them.
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 7, 2015, at 8:31 AM, Mark Strandberg <> wrote:
Thanks, Jen. I reviewed the wiring diagram. It looks good to go. Have you tracked down the GPEC invoices for the installation?
On Aug 7, 2015, at 08:10, Jennifer Cline <> wrote:
Good Morning,
In response to David's latest email....
I received the wiring diagram yesterday, and forwarded it to Mark. Do I need to forward that to DEQ? I wasn't sure since Mark as originally coordinating with them on those requests.
Also, I informed Tiffany we would be sending the Final Draft of the ERP to them Monday at the latest. I will look at the revisions Mark sent yesterday.
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: COLE David <>
Date: August 7, 2015 at 7:44:48 AM PDT
To: 'Jennifer Cline' <>
Cc: COLE David <>, YELTON-BRAM Tiffany <>
Subject: Molalla information requests.
Hello Jennifer. This is a reminder to gauge your progress on completing the following information requests we have made in the recent past:
1. Emergency Response and Public Notification Plan, specific to the STP. We talked about this when Tiffany and I met with you, Jason, Jake, and Mark on 5/2015, following the SSO the previous week. At that time I recall you said you would work to prepare and submit the plan within 60 days, which would have been last month some time.
2. Equipment and installation costs for the back-up alarm and upgrade work performed after the SSO. In a conference call with Ring-Bender on 7/28/15, they said they’d get that information to Mike Pinney for his review. Later that day Mark sent us an email saying that he had spoken with GPEC who would put together a wiring schematic covering the back-up alarm and forward it to us as soon as they received it.
Let me know by next Wednesday (8/12/15) what progress you have made completing these requests. Thank you.
David Cole, R.G.
Water Quality Specialist
DEQ Northwest Region & Western Region
700 NE Multnomah St., Suite 600
Portland, OR 97232
(T) 503-229-5011
(F) 503-229-6957