From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Fri Mar 27 12:00:48 2015

To: James Bobst


Importance: Normal


I am in the field at the moment so I cannot see the plans for some reason. Please send .pdfs.


You will want to contact the potable water division of the Oregon Health Authority for approval of the water main extension.


I will also need a Right-of-way permit similar to the permit for the sewer connection w a temporarily traffic control plan.


Sent from my iPhone


> On Mar 27, 2015, at 11:47 AM, James Bobst <> wrote:


> Jennifer:


> Here are the plans for our Molalla fire hydrant. Can you confirm, have you

> received these before? Can you review and approve our hydrant line off of

> these plans? Also, could you provide ASAP the OHA process and information

> for submitting? Thank Jennifer. I look forward to hearing from you.




> James Bobst


> Personnel / Safety Director


> Pacific Fibre Products, Inc.


> PO Box 278 / 20 FibreWay


> Longview, WA 98632


> O) 360-577-7112; C) 360-430-0749; F) 360-577-1362




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> <C1.pdf>

> <D1.pdf>

> <G1.pdf>

> <G2.pdf>