From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Wed Sep 02 13:19:30 2015
To: Daphne Marcyan; Sharar, Darlene K.; Hash, Kenneth F.
Cc: Chris Link; Randall Stark; Dan Huff
Subject: RE: Molalla Avenue MCC Utility Locates
Importance: Normal
Attachments: XEROX-CO-SCAN-150902-105002.pdf; image001.png; image002.jpg; Hi Daphne, Thank you for sharing the information. I’m glad we are able to identify the conflicts now. Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director Licensed in OR, WA 117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038 O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676 From: Daphne Marcyan [] Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 12:49 PM To: '' <>; Sharar, Darlene K. <>; Hash, Kenneth F. <> Cc: Chris Link <>; Randall Stark <> Subject: FW: Molalla Avenue MCC Utility Locates Good Afternoon, I received the attached pothole data from MCC. I’ve contacted Michael at MCC to confirm I am reading the pothole notes correctly. It appears the COM line is 8’ wide between Heintz St. and Robbins St. It then reduces to 24” wide south of Ross. The waterline alignment may need to be revised slightly between Robbins and Heintz to clear the 8’ wide section of COM utility. I will also review potential impacts to the storm drain layout. The depths of the sections of 10” Storm Drain that connect the storm drain inlets may conflict with the depths of the COM line. Please let me know if anyone has comments or questions about this information. Daphne Daphne Marcyan, P.E. | Civil Engineer Licensed in OR, WA T: 503.225.9010 | 121 SW Salmon, Suite 900 | Portland, Oregon 97204-2919 | Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. | Your Public Works Partner Notice: This e-mail and any attached files are the private confidential property of the sender, and the materials are privileged communications intended solely for the receipt, use, benefit and information of the intended recipient indicated above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, or taking of any other action in reliance on the contents of this transmission is strictly prohibited, and may result in legal liability on your part. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately at the above address. P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. From: Michael Paulsen [] Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 11:50 AM To: Gary Wargnier <>; Daphne Marcyan <> Subject: RE: Molalla Avenue MCC Utility Locates Hello Daphne, I have attached a copy of the Pothole findings you had spoken to Gary W. about. Thank You Michael Paulsen Michael Paulsen Molalla Communications Company 503-829-1141 From: Daphne Marcyan [] Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 2:16 PM To: Gary Wargnier Subject: RE: Molalla Avenue MCC Utility Locates Gary, The street and drainage improvements are from 3rd St. to Heintz. The water main improvements include an additional 2 blocks and are from 5th to Heintz. Daphne Daphne Marcyan, P.E. | Civil Engineer Licensed in OR, WA T: 503.225.9010 | 121 SW Salmon, Suite 900 | Portland, Oregon 97204-2919 | Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. | Your Public Works Partner Notice: This e-mail and any attached files are the private confidential property of the sender, and the materials are privileged communications intended solely for the receipt, use, benefit and information of the intended recipient indicated above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, or taking of any other action in reliance on the contents of this transmission is strictly prohibited, and may result in legal liability on your part. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately at the above address. P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. From: Gary Wargnier [] Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 2:14 PM To: Daphne Marcyan <> Subject: RE: Molalla Avenue MCC Utility Locates My understanding is the project has been revised & is only going from 2cd. St. to west Heinz. Is this correct info? Gary Gary Wargnier Molalla Communications 503-829-1155 971-235-9928 From: Daphne Marcyan [] Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 1:48 PM To: Gary Wargnier; '' Cc: Sharar, Darlene K.; Hash, Kenneth F.; Chris Link Subject: Molalla Avenue MCC Utility Locates Hi Gary, Attached is a markup of suggested pothole locations along Molalla Ave. Please note, I would generally assume there is not a lot of variation in size/depth of the COM line along Molalla Ave., but I don’t know for sure. This is why I included most all of the locations in question. There are 13 locations shown, but this is a “wish list” of pot hole locations. If you can pothole a handful of these locations at a minimum, it will allow me to know if the COM utility is located underground at a consistent depth and with a consistent size. Please let me know if you have questions. Thanks for your help with this. Daphne Marcyan, P.E. | Civil Engineer Licensed in OR, WA T: 503.225.9010 | 121 SW Salmon, Suite 900 | Portland, Oregon 97204-2919 | Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. | Your Public Works Partner Notice: This e-mail and any attached files are the private confidential property of the sender, and the materials are privileged communications intended solely for the receipt, use, benefit and information of the intended recipient indicated above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, or taking of any other action in reliance on the contents of this transmission is strictly prohibited, and may result in legal liability on your part. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately at the above address. P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.