From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Thu Nov 19 12:32:51 2015
To: Randall Stark
Cc: Chris Link
Subject: RE: Molalla Avenue Improvements Project - ODOT Signs
Importance: Normal
Thanks for the feedback, I will include the information within my response.
Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director
Licensed in OR, WA
117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038
O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676
From: Randall Stark []
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 12:17 PM
To: Jennifer Cline <>
Cc: Chris Link <>
Subject: RE: Molalla Avenue Improvements Project - ODOT Signs
Understood, Jennifer.
I think it’s also good to note that the project does not propose to remove or replace the sign supports at the NE and SE corners. Work should be able to be performed without impact to these signs.
The project does propose to replace the sign supports at the SW and NW corners.
Randy Stark, P.E. | Civil Engineer
Licensed in WA, OR
T: 360.448.4230 | F: 360.448.4239 |
400 E Mill Plain Boulevard, Suite 203 | Vancouver, Washington 98660-3492 |
Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. | Your Public Works Partner
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From: Jennifer Cline []
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 12:09 PM
To: Randall Stark <>
Subject: RE: Molalla Avenue Improvements Project - ODOT Signs
Hi Randy,
I don’t agree with a few of these comments and most likely will be contacting ODOT.
I believe they need to realize this is downtown area within the City limits. As for the comment about Colton, this is an unincorporated community with a school district and post office, and not a neighborhood much like Corbett.
And we are definitely not going to address the advance signing for the right turn lane on OR211/Main St with City Urban Renewal Funds.
Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director
Licensed in OR, WA
117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038
O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676
From: NICHOLS Marlene T []
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 10:20 AM
To: '' <>
Cc: 'Jennifer Cline' <>
Subject: FW: Molalla Avenue Improvements Project - ODOT Signs
Here are the comments from Region 1 Engineers regarding the proposed signage…
Marlene T. Nichols
District 2C - Permit Specialist
999 NW Frontage Road, Suite 250
Troutdale, Oregon 97060
Ofc: (503) 665-4006; Fax: (503) 665-4487
From: HILL Merle E
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 11:43 AM
To: NICHOLS Marlene T
Cc: RILEY Kathryn A; DAGNESE Susanne L
Subject: RE: Molalla Avenue Improvements Project - ODOT Signs
The review comments provided on 11/5/15 for the project plan submittal address a number of the items associated with the signing at the intersection of OR211 and Molalla Ave. More specific comments on the existing conditions are provided below.
In accordance with federal regulations the Manual on Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) shall be recognized as the national standard for all traffic control devices and each state must be in substantial conformance with the standards issued or endorsed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to obtain basic uniformity of traffic control devices. All Regulatory, Warning and Guide signs are considered traffic control devices and the MUTCD, as well as state policies and guidelines, provides the standards and guidance for placement and design of these installations. One of the guiding principles in the MUTCD is that “Unnecessary traffic control devices should be removed.” The navigation tools available to drivers now have greatly diminished the need for Destination and other general Guide signing. Consequently, the City is to be commended for wishing to reduce the signing clutter at this intersection.
A number of issues and concerns need to be addressed by the sign design for this intersection.
· Signing on the back of a Stop sign is absolutely not allowed except when the sign size fits within the borders of the Stop sign.
· The “Dibble House” destination signing needs to be deleted. These signs are not appropriately designed and the destination does not appear to be appropriate for a sign installation. A request could be made to the Oregon Travel Experience office for determination if this destination can be signed under their program.
· The public agency signing for “City Hall” is not allowed per the Sign Policy and Guidelines for the State Highway System.
· The “Police” destination is also considered public agency signing and should not be signed per Policy.
· The “Library” destination should use the standard Library (I-8) sign with appropriate Directional Arrow Auxiliary signs.
· Prominent Street Name signs need to be provided at the intersection since these are vital to driver navigation and verification of location.
· The Directional signs should be redesigned for appropriate details. The route shield can be included in the Guide sign but should be positioned above the control city on the route and the applicable arrow needs to be off to the side. The “Silverton” destination needs to be deleted since it is not on the designated highway route. The “Colton” destination needs to be deleted since neighborhood signing is not allowed per the Sign Policy. Additionally, this destination has already been removed from the new signing at S Mathias Rd.
· A maximum of 4 destinations are allowed on the Guide signs. Choices of those destinations to be provided will need to be made. Using only “Estacada” and omitting “Sandy” is an appropriate reduction in destinations to the north.
· Consider installing signs in advance of the intersection per MUTCD guidance. Advance signing is needed on the approach with the separate right turn lane. Advance signing on the other legs of the intersection are not specifically necessary due to the stop control at the intersection.
Please contact me if there are any questions. Thanks.
Merle Hill, PE, PLS
Region 1 Traffic Investigations Engineer
Telephone: (503) 731-8285
From: DAGNESE Susanne L
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 5:01 PM
To: HILL Merle E; NICHOLS Marlene T
Cc: RILEY Kathryn A
Subject: FW: Molalla Avenue Improvements Project - ODOT Signs
Merle is a good person to start with. He may reassign this to Kate.
From: NICHOLS Marlene T
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 4:47 PM
To: DAGNESE Susanne L
Subject: FW: Molalla Avenue Improvements Project - ODOT Signs
Who should I send this to for review?
Marlene T. Nichols
District 2C - Permit Specialist
999 NW Frontage Road, Suite 250
Troutdale, Oregon 97060
Ofc: (503) 665-4006; Fax: (503) 665-4487
From: Randall Stark []
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 3:57 PM
To: NICHOLS Marlene T
Cc: Jennifer Cline; Chris Link
Subject: Molalla Avenue Improvements Project - ODOT Signs
Hi Marlene,
Thank you for your return phone call today to discuss the project.
As we discussed, the City would like to reduce sign clutter at the NW corner of the intersection. One potential way to do this would be to eliminate one sign support holding two City-owned directional signs, and relocate the two signs to two existing ODOT sign supports. Attached is an exhibit showing a proposed re-configuration. We would like ODOT’s input on if the proposal, or some variant, would be acceptable.
Thank you for your assistance with this project.
Randy Stark, P.E. | Civil Engineer
Licensed in WA, OR
T: 360.448.4230 | F: 360.448.4239 |
400 E Mill Plain Boulevard, Suite 203 | Vancouver, Washington 98660-3492 |
Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. | Your Public Works Partner
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