From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Tue Dec 01 16:22:46 2015

To: Randall Stark; Hash, Kenneth F.

Cc: Chris Link

Subject: RE: Molalla Avenue Improvements - OR 211 Lane Restrictions.

Importance: Normal


Hi Randy,

Yes, I forwarded the email to Rich Watanabe to discuss their comments. I have not received a response from anyone else. I will reach out again to try to resolve this quickly.


Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director

Licensed in OR, WA

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038

O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676

From: Randall Stark []

Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 8:41 AM

To: Jennifer Cline <>; Hash, Kenneth F. <>

Cc: Chris Link <>

Subject: FW: Molalla Avenue Improvements - OR 211 Lane Restrictions.

Good morning, Jenn and Ken. As a result of clarifications of project impacts on OR211, the ODOT freight mobility staff have determined that the Mobility Considerations Checklist will not be required.

Also Jenn, have you had a chance to discuss the Main Street signs with ODOT?


Randy Stark, P.E. | Civil Engineer

Licensed in WA, OR

T: 360.448.4230 | F: 360.448.4239 |

400 E Mill Plain Boulevard, Suite 203 | Vancouver, Washington 98660-3492 |

Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. | Your Public Works Partner

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From: COLEMAN Anthony T * Tony []

Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 6:41 AM

To: Randall Stark <>; NICHOLS Marlene T <>

Cc: Chris Link <>

Subject: RE: Molalla Avenue Improvements - OR 211 Lane Restrictions.

Thanks for the clarification. The Mobility Considerations Checklist will not be required. I had Main Street and Molalla Avenue turned around. With the limited impact to OR211, I see no need for freight input. Sorry for the confusion.

Tony Coleman

Region 1 Freight Mobility/Construction/Rail Liaison

123 NW Flanders Street

Portland, Oregon 97209-4016

Phone 503.731.8480

Fax 503.731.8531

"The more we communicate with our customers and stakeholders, the stronger our relationships become, and the more trust is built. It is in our best interest as an agency and in the interest of public stewardship that we provide accurate, up-to-date information to our customers and stakeholders. Additionally, keeping freight moving efficiently on Oregon's transportation system is good for the economy."

From: Randall Stark []

Sent: Monday, November 30, 2015 4:59 PM

To: NICHOLS Marlene T

Cc: COLEMAN Anthony T * Tony; Chris Link

Subject: RE: Molalla Avenue Improvements - OR 211 Lane Restrictions.

Hi Marlene,

Thanks for moving this forward. Before we respond to the questions below and complete the Mobility Considerations Checklist we would like to verify/confirm that the questions and checklist are for OR211 only, and not Molalla Avenue, which is a City street.

We should also clarify that the truck detour is intended to divert trucks off Molalla Avenue only. We don’t anticipate any detours off OR211. There will need to be temporary lane/shoulder closures of OR211 for utility installation and curb ramp construction at the intersection with Molalla Avenue, but that should be the limit of impact to OR211.


Randy Stark, P.E. | Civil Engineer

Licensed in WA, OR

T: 360.448.4230 | F: 360.448.4239 |

400 E Mill Plain Boulevard, Suite 203 | Vancouver, Washington 98660-3492 |

Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. | Your Public Works Partner

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From: NICHOLS Marlene T []

Sent: Monday, November 30, 2015 9:10 AM

To: Randall Stark <>

Cc: COLEMAN Anthony T * Tony <>

Subject: FW: Molalla Avenue Improvements - OR 211 Lane Restrictions.

RANDALL: These are comments from our Motor Carrier Mobility Coordinator per our conversation last week. Can you answer his questions please and cc: me on them?

Marlene T. Nichols

District 2C - Permit Specialist

999 NW Frontage Road, Suite 250

Troutdale, Oregon 97060

Ofc: (503) 665-4006; Fax: (503) 665-4487

From: COLEMAN Anthony T * Tony

Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 11:31 AM

To: NICHOLS Marlene T; HILL Merle E

Subject: RE: Molalla Avenue Improvements - OR 211 Lane Restrictions.


Thanks for sharing. I’d like the freight stakeholders to provide input on the TCP’s provided. A few questions are;

How soon are they expecting comments?

What is the typical cross section of both Stage 1 and 2?

When are we anticipating this work to begin and end?

Do they want the trucks detoured the entire project duration?

Are we including 00220.03(a) Work Zone Notification Standard Specifications into the contract?


OR211 Daytime Width requirement for Annual Permitted loads is 14’.

OR211 Nighttime Annual Permitted loads are Not Authorized

A Mobility Considerations Checklist should be completed by the consultant and signed off, by Motor Carrier. I’ve attached both the instructions form and MCC above.

I am waiting to hear from Christy Jordan on the next scheduled freight meeting and will place this project on the agenda.

Tony Coleman

Region 1 Freight Mobility/Construction/Rail Liaison

123 NW Flanders Street

Portland, Oregon 97209-4016

Phone 503.731.8480

Fax 503.731.8531

"The more we communicate with our customers and stakeholders, the stronger our relationships become, and the more trust is built. It is in our best interest as an agency and in the interest of public stewardship that we provide accurate, up-to-date information to our customers and stakeholders. Additionally, keeping freight moving efficiently on Oregon's transportation system is good for the economy."

From: NICHOLS Marlene T

Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 4:37 PM

To: HILL Merle E

Cc: COLEMAN Anthony T * Tony

Subject: FW: Molalla Avenue Improvements - OR 211 Lane Restrictions.

For your review and comment

Marlene T. Nichols

District 2C - Permit Specialist

999 NW Frontage Road, Suite 250

Troutdale, Oregon 97060

Ofc: (503) 665-4006; Fax: (503) 665-4487

From: Randall Stark []

Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 4:30 PM

To: NICHOLS Marlene T

Cc: Chris Link

Subject: Molalla Avenue Improvements - OR 211 Lane Restrictions.

Hi Marlene,

Thanks for the phone call to talk about the OR 211 lane restrictions and traffic control plan (TCP). Attached per your request are the revised TCP sheets.

Regarding OR 211 being an over-dimension vehicle route from Woodburn, and over-dimension vehicles driving through Molalla on OR 211, if they are originating from the south or west (on OR 213 or OR 211, respectively), the only truck detour sign they should encounter would be the End Truck Detour sign at the OR 211/Molalla Avenue intersection (see Sheet TC-5). This should not cause over-dimension vehicle drivers to take an alternate route.

If you anticipate over-dimension vehicles to originate from the north on OR 213 please let us know; however the truck detour shown from this direction should not affect their route as it is unlikely they would attempt to use Molalla Avenue through their ODOT permitting anyway.

Thanks, and I hope you have a good Thanksgiving.

Randy Stark, P.E. | Civil Engineer

Licensed in WA, OR

T: 360.448.4230 | F: 360.448.4239 |

400 E Mill Plain Boulevard, Suite 203 | Vancouver, Washington 98660-3492 |

Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. | Your Public Works Partner

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