From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Tue Jan 19 10:08:16 2016

To: Chris Link

Cc: Hash, Kenneth F.; Dan Zinder; Sharar, Darlene K.; Daphne Marcyan; Randall Stark

Subject: Re: Molalla Ave - Q&A from bidders

Importance: Normal


Hi Dan,


Please replace the existing Q&A document in the project webpage with the attached. I am ok with the provided response.





Sent from my iPhone


On Jan 19, 2016, at 9:46 AM, Chris Link <> wrote:


Jenn – see below for additional questions from bidders and our proposed responses. If these sound good, please go ahead and post the attached updated Q&A log to the City’s website.

· Plan sheets 43 thru 46 show the requirements for the PGE Lighting System complete. This all makes sense but when I get to Plan sheets LLO1 thru LLO4 showing Landscape Lighting things aren’t very clear. The landscape lighting involve installing a JB with a cord end attached to it at tree well location per plan. Note 2 on these plans is the same 2” conduit shown on plan sheets 43 thru 46 and come straight from PGE Power source. The rest of the conduits and wire come through the Metered service’s for the power receptacles. The service cabinet shown on plan sheet LLO4 is a 480 volt service and sense the power receptacles are 120 volt this will not work. These cabinet are very expensive I would suggest using a BMC 120-240 volt as one cabinet has 2 circuits and the other cabinet has only 5 circuits. Please advise to fix this problem

We concur that the service cabinets for the landscape lighting (shown on the LL sheets) should be 120/240 volt. Sheet LL04 will be updated by addendum to reflect this change. The street lighting (shown on S-1 through S-3) will not be metered and will not require a service cabinet. Contractor to coordinate with PGE for service connection for street lighting. Additional notes will also be added to the street lighting plans to clarify service connection requirements.

· The removal of the concrete sidewalks is that included in the excavation quantity or is it part of removal of structures and obstruction. Also the concrete under Molalla Ave. is it included in the excavation quantity or is it part of structures and obstruction. Both the removal of concrete sidewalks and the concrete slab under Molalla Ave. are included in the general excavation item. The Removal of Structures and Obstructions item includes removal of items beyond the excavation limits.

Chris Link, P.E. | Civil Engineer, Associate

Licensed in OR, WA

T: 541.741.2975 | Cell: 503.869.4885 |

777 High Street, Suite 200 | Eugene, Oregon 97401 |

Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. | Your Public Works Partner

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<Q & A _ Molalla Ave Improvements 1-19-16.pdf>