From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Thu Oct 16 16:21:20 2014

To: Marek, Joe

Cc: Dan Huff; Garrett Edmunds

Subject: RE: Mathias Road in Molalla and Clackamas County - Speed Zone Request dated a month ago, received yesterday (attached)

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image002.jpg; image006.png; image001.jpg; image003.jpg; image008.jpg;


Hi Joe,

It was also nice to meet you. I would agree, extending the 40 mph to Eves Road would be effective and we will support that proposal.

If you have any other questions, please let me know.


Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.829.6855 Ext. #218

F: 503.829.3676

image "file:///C:

From: Marek, Joe []

Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 3:45 PM

To: Cline Jennifer (

Subject: FW: Mathias Road in Molalla and Clackamas County - Speed Zone Request dated a month ago, received yesterday (attached)

Hi Jennifer,

Good to meet you via telephone today and welcome to the City of Molalla and Clackamas County.

Below is part of the emails that we exchanged including my proposal to have a 25 out to the City Limits (about 8th) and an intermediate zone out to the Molalla Forest Road.

Glen Fleming at ODOT Region 1 suggested extending the 40 out to Eves Road, rather than stopping it at the Molalla Forest Road. In rethinking this, it might make sense. At some point I want to look at it in the field, but I think I would be OK recommending this in order to get the speed zone investigation moving.

So, in summary, based on the City’s previous input and ODOT’s input, the speed zone proposal would be:

Post Mathias Road as follows:

- 25mph between Highway 211 and the City Limits just south of the intersection with 7th Avenue

- 40 mph between the 25 mph zone and Eves Road

We show an ADT of about 1200 on Mathias Road in the vicinity of Molalla Forest Road.

Please let me know your thoughts and if you would like to meet in the field before we request ODOT to proceed.

Thanks and be safe.



imageJoseph F. Marek, PE, PTOE | Clackamas County Department of Transportation and Development

Traffic Engineering Supervisor | Director, Clackamas County Safe Communities

150 Beavercreek Road | Oregon City, Oregon 97045

'503.742.4705 | 7503.742.4659 | *


Traffic Safety Starts With You!

From: CHADWICK Craig W []

Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 4:43 PM

To: Marek, Joe;

Cc: Johnson, Troy

Subject: RE: Mathias Road in Molalla and Clackamas County - Speed Zone Request dated a month ago, received yesterday (attached)

I believe the City was wanting 25 MPH from Woodburn-Estacada Hwy (E Main Street) to Molalla Forest Road. Given your below, I think you’re suggesting that:

1) you’re good with the City request to investigate for 25 mph within their city limits – from Woodburn-Estacada Hwy to 8th Street, but

2) you’re suggesting investigating to retain and establish (as appropriate) a 40 mph speed limit south to Molalla Forest Road.

If that’s correct, I’m ready to enter it and get it teed up for the to-be-investigated list.




Craig Chadwick

ODOT Speed Zone Specialist

Traffic-Roadway Section

4040 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, MS 5

Salem, OR 97302-1142

( (503) 986-3571

7 (503) 986-3749

Please let me know if I can be of further service!

From: Marek, Joe []

Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 3:38 PM


Cc: Johnson, Troy

Subject: RE: Mathias Road in Molalla and Clackamas County - Speed Zone Request dated a month ago, received yesterday (attached)

Hi Craig

It appears that the City of Molalla has jurisdiction of Mathias from Highway 211 to MP 0.47 which is at 8th Street. From that point south, it is a County road as illustrated in the attached document. I believe the proposal is for 25 from Highway 211 to the City Limits (a small part is County road), then 40 from there to about the Molalla Forest Road. The city has a park on the west side of the road so there is a little more activity there, but not enough to justify a 25 mph zoning. We are going to work with the City of possible signing for the park.

Let me know if this works and if you have questions.




imageJoseph F. Marek, PE, PTOE | Clackamas County Department of Transportation and Development

Traffic Engineering Supervisor | Director, Clackamas County Safe Communities

150 Beavercreek Road | Oregon City, Oregon 97045

'503.742.4705 | 7503.742.4659 | *


Traffic Safety Starts With You!

From: CHADWICK Craig W []

Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 3:18 PM

To: Johnson, Troy; Marek, Joe; Hattan, Mike;

Subject: RE: Mathias Road in Molalla and Clackamas County - Speed Zone Request dated a month ago, received yesterday (attached)

OK, thanks for the excellent work, Troy. I presume the county is fine with the investigation parameters, then? Or would you be recommending a 40 mph outside city limits?




Craig Chadwick

ODOT Speed Zone Specialist

Traffic-Roadway Section

4040 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, MS 5

Salem, OR 97302-1142

( (503) 986-3571

7 (503) 986-3749

Please let me know if I can be of further service!

From: Johnson, Troy []

Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 2:49 PM

To: Marek, Joe; Hattan, Mike; CHADWICK Craig W;

Subject: RE: Mathias Road in Molalla and Clackamas County - Speed Zone Request dated a month ago, received yesterday (attached)

Hi All,

Found the order – used to be Lay Rd. As the order states, starting 300’ south of E. Seventh St. and measuring south another .21 miles puts you at Bear Creek; which as Craig noted is where the 40 mph zone ends southbound and begins northbound.



The County lists the functional class for Mathias as follows:

· MP 0.0 (Hwy 211) à .525 = City of Molalla maintained.

· MP.525 à 1.01 = rural connector

· MP 1.01 (Eves Rd) à 1.14 (ECM @ Claim Rd) = rural local

ADT taken north of Molalla Forest Rd in:

· 2011 = 1200 / 85th % speed ~ 52 mph

· 2008 = 1250

The only arterial we show that feeds into it (other than 211) is Feyrer Park Rd, which County records show as a rural minor arterial.

Hope this clears some stuff up.


Troy Johnson

Traffic Engineering Technician

Transportation Engineering

150 Beavercreek Road

Oregon City, Oregon 97045

'503.742.4704 | 7 503.742.4659 | *


My office hours are 6:30 am to 5 pm, M-Th | 2nd and 3rd floor LOBBY HOURS are 8 am to 3 pm, M-F

P Please consider the environment before printing this email.

From: Marek, Joe

Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 8:04 AM

To: Johnson, Troy; Hattan, Mike

Subject: FW: Mathias Road in Molalla and Clackamas County - Speed Zone Request dated a month ago, received yesterday (attached)

Can you check our records for any of this speed zone information?




imageJoseph F. Marek, PE, PTOE | Clackamas County Department of Transportation and Development

Traffic Engineering Supervisor | Director, Clackamas County Safe Communities

150 Beavercreek Road | Oregon City, Oregon 97045

'503.742.4705 | 7503.742.4659 | *


Traffic Safety Starts With You!

From: CHADWICK Craig W []

Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 10:59 AM

To: ''; Marek, Joe

Subject: Mathias Road in Molalla and Clackamas County - Speed Zone Request dated a month ago, received yesterday (attached)

Hello, Garrett and Joe.

I have the City of Molalla request in hand for a 25 mph speed limit on Mathias Road from East Main Street (Woodburn-Estacada Hwy (OR 211) to Molalla Forest Road. Apparently from some unspecified distance south of 8th Street to Molalla Forest Road, the road authority is Clackamas County. The request indicates the current posted speed is 40 mph.

1) I will need a request from Clackamas County to investigate outside the city limits on Mathias Road and concurrence within the city limits if the County owns/maintains the roadway.

2) My files show no existing speed zone order legally backing 40 mph signing. We generally request that such speed signs be removed or at least covered prior to a speed zone investigation. There appears to be no speed zoning signed on Mathias Road from the south at Molalla Forest Road until Bear Creek and northerly. In that area, the (undesignated) 40 mph signing begins.

3) You checked off “Local” and “Arterial” for roadway classification on the form. I believe “Local” is inaccurate if this is an arterial road. Or visa-versa. Also, you indicate there are 6 arterial streets feeding onto Mathias Road. I’m unable to identify more than one, possibly two – S Feyrer Park Road and 5th Street. How does the county classify these roads (presumably 3rd-8th Streets)?

4) ADT Unknown – does the County have any numbers on this?

Can Molalla and Clackamas County clarify, provide additional information on these points? Thanks.




Craig Chadwick

ODOT Speed Zone Specialist

Traffic-Roadway Section

4040 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, MS 5

Salem, OR 97302-1142

( (503) 986-3571

7 (503) 986-3749

Please let me know if I can be of further service!


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