From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Tue May 26 10:07:40 2015

To: Christine Hein; Dan Huff; J.W. Ring; Phillip Bender; Mark Strandberg

Subject: RE: Hope you get back on Council!

Importance: Normal


All I can say is… people in glass houses should not throw rocks! ;)

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

image "file:///C:

From: Christine Hein []

Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:04 AM

To: Dan Huff; J.W. Ring; Phillip Bender; Mark Strandberg

Cc: Jennifer Cline

Subject: RE: Hope you get back on Council!

Wow. She is something else.

Christine L. Hein

Ring Bender LLLP

Direct: 503.964.6726

Cell: 503.314.0958

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

From: Dan Huff []

Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 9:59 AM

To: J.W. Ring; Phillip Bender; Christine Hein; Mark Strandberg

Cc: Sadie Cramer; Jennifer Cline

Subject: FW: Hope you get back on Council!


From: Stephen Clark []

Sent: Monday, May 25, 2015 12:21 PM

To: Dan Huff

Subject: Fwd: Hope you get back on Council!



Sent from my iPhone -



Begin forwarded message:

From: Susan Hansen <>

Date: May 25, 2015 at 11:38:18 AM PDT

To: Stephen Clark <>

Subject: Hope you get back on Council!

I saw your application, it would certainly be fun to have you back on Council - though I can't imagine having to "work" for any city that spews raw sewage into a creek and then fails to report it to DEQ in a timely manner, all while in the middle of a Clean Water Act lawsuit. Molalla, the town that can't win for losing. Transparency and following the rules clearly isn't Molalla's strength.


That El Heffe Huff is certainly the bottom of the barrel, but given Molalla's reputation, the bottom of the barrel is all you had to choose from. But hey, I hear the El Heffe/ Rogge (sell them carpets!) spin is that if only Decayville could hit 10,000 all will be well. That's truly insane but insanity is the hallmark of Molalla. Good luck!


And thanks again for passing over the blog - it is heading quickly to 66,000 hits - the RACIST MASCOT posts are the biggest draw. I should also thank Decayville for pushing me out to meet the wise and protective educators who are appointed to the State Board of Education. They always enjoy my on the record accounts of your Tea Party bigoted school system and it's attempts to protect a RACIST STEREOTYPE. I was there on Thursday to speak on the video/audio record about the RACIST MASCOT and got to hear them wisely vote to keep the "Indian" mascot ban in place. After the vote, the Chair of that board, Samuel Henry, warmly shook my hand and said "You are always welcome here!". It was heartwarming to talk to one board member, Anthony Veliz, from Woodburn, who represents our district. He gave the very best speech of all about the need to get rid of mascots like the sleazy "Molalla Indian". He said that Woodburn is now Latino majority and that they would NEVER think of a race based Latino mascot when they build a new school. I enjoyed chatting with Anthony - maybe he can hoot on over and help organize your growing Latino residents to get some inclusion in local politics (boy, wouldn't that strike terror in you and your Tea Party buddies - diversity and new voices!).


Maybe you can help the clueless students find a new symbol - I'd vote for Rednecks and Redneckettes myself. Or maybe Bigots and Bigotettes. Most of all, I wonder how any responsible parent could put kids into that school system, knowing who the school board members are and what they represent. I went to a HS assembly - I was appalled. Did you check out the 2014 HS rating - it is below average and less than 50% of the 11th graders could pass the science test. Without science skills (and math) kids are doomed in the tech economy. And how about those shrinking schools - the HS had in 2014 only 708, down 4.2% students (in a building that can hold 1,500!) and the Middle School has only 517, down 2.9%. Whew! It's lucky the voters were smart enough to reject building a MS for 850!


If you get on council, what can Molalla do next to save money? Did you know that Aurora has been so broke for years it doesn't even have a city manager because it can't afford one? And how about that so called "city recorder" your city pays for - you know, the one who often can't even manage to produce minutes from the last meeting before the next one is announced. LOL! One important job and she can't even get it done. But be sure to keep those cops sucking up all the overtime and going over budget, that's a really valuable investment.

