From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Wed Sep 03 13:47:45 2014
Cc: Dan Huff
Subject: RE: Grange - Creamery Ck. Culvert
Importance: Normal
See my comments and clarifications below in RED.
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
From: Hassan Ibrahim []
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 10:44 AM
To: 'Jennifer Cline'
Cc: 'Garrett Edmunds'; 'Dan Huff'
Subject: RE: Grange - Creamery Ck. Culvert
Hi Jennifer,
I would suggest maintaining 6” curb exposure on the west side and 7” curb exposure on the east side after the overlay. I would recommend keeping the existing curb and sidewalk north of Creamery Creek culvert crossing.
I will provide you with a sketch to reflect our field discussion and as per your direction on the curb and sidewalk location and width for both Grange and Heintz.
In brief is a recap of our field discussion starting at Hwy 212 and along the west side of Grange Avenue and continues along the south side of Heintz Street to Molalla Avenue:
1. Remove existing curb and sidewalk on the west side between Hwy 212 and the existing newer section at the third driveway and replace with a 6-foot wide sidewalk at the property line, existing plumb trees to be removed and replaced by the City, street tree grates may need to be installed in this stretch. ADA ramps at the intersection including Berkley St will be replaced. See Page 18, Question 3. After reading the question in the PROWAG, I do not believe any improvements to ramps on the south side of Molalla Ave need to be made at this time. These savings can be used elsewhere within the project limits.
2. On the west side of Grange beginning at E Main St, construct a curb-tight 6-ft sidewalk that continues to the first driveway. Construct approach across driveway that connect to a full width 9’ft sidewalk sections that allows 3’ at curb face for street tree grates and existing utility poles. Continue across the remaining two (2) approaches before matching into the existing 5 foot with
3. The existing 5-foot wide sidewalk for approximately 75 feet will remain but the existing ADA ramp will be removed. Is this north of the Church?
4. Reconstruct a 6-foot wide sidewalk where non exist for approximately 100 feet to match the existing 5-foot wide section.
5. The existing 5-foot wide sidewalk for approximately 200 feet will remain, construct a 24-foot wide driveway at Molalla Communications and extend a 6-foot sidewalk all the way to Robbins St. Reconstruct the ADA ramps at both sides of Robbins St and at the pedestrian trail on the east side to include repairing the pavement behind the curb for 9 feet on the trail side with the City replacing the manhole lid with non skid lid. Also remove the existing ADA ramps and replace with sidewalks at the northeast side of the building on Robbins St. Existing private catchbasin will be restored by the City after the landscaping behind the new sidewalk is performed by Molalla Communications. Provide a 2-ft curbed planter strip behind the sidewalk from north end of new 24-ft approach to the corner at Robins and behind existing side walk along Robbins.
6. Add an AC ramp on the north side of the intersection at the apartment site across from the SE Ramp on Grange and Heinz.
7. Add catch basins near and at the low points on the east and west curbs of Grange and replace all the round catch basins with type G-2.
8. Keep the relatively new existing sidewalk for approximately 100 feet then remove and replace the old curb and sidewalk with 5-foot wide sidewalk to Heintz St and then all the way on the south side of Heintz St to the east side of the first driveway. Keep the post office driveway and the existing sidewalk to the terminus point then construct a 5-foot sidewalk (150 feet+/-) to Center Street with ADA ramps on both sides and two midblock ramps with the existing sidewalk on the north side of the intersection.
9. No new curb or sidewalks will be constructed on the north side of Hintz St, the existing curb and sidewalks will remain.
10. Replace or make adjustments to all ADA ramps at the four corners of Molalla Avenue and Heintz Street the intersection.
11. Request PGE to (1) adjust guide line closer to the curb near the Post office on north end of Grange and (2) move service pole out of sidewalk location behind US Bank on Heintz.
Hassan Ibrahim, P.E.
6655 SW Hampton St, Ste. 210
Portland, OR 97223
Tel: 503-684-3478
Fax: 503-624-8247
Cell: 503-807-2737
From: Jennifer Cline []
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 12:05 PM
Cc: Garrett Edmunds; Dan Huff
Subject: Grange - Creamery Ck. Culvert
Hi Hassan,
Regarding the field visit today. I was looking at the path near Creamery Ck. and noticed the majority of the curb along the East side of Grange St. from the sidewalk ending at the Molalla Grange to Heintz St. is crumbling and most likely does not meet 6”.
If we replace the existing curbs on Grange with 8” curb this would give us the opportunity to raise the profile of the road and provide additional cover over the Creamery Creek culvert. This also allows for future overlays when needed.
What are your thoughts?
Jennifer Cline, P.E.
City of Molalla
Public Works Director
O: 503.829.6855 Ext. #218
F: 503.829.3676