From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Wed Oct 01 09:40:17 2014

To: Dan Huff; Rod Lucich

Subject: RE: FRIENDLY REMINDER: Public Safety Radio System meeting

Importance: Normal



Didn’t you mention our Fire Station has a HAM radio for emergency purposes? Should they be informed of the meeting?


From: Dan Huff []

Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2014 9:15 AM

To: Jennifer Cline; Rod Lucich

Subject: FW: FRIENDLY REMINDER: Public Safety Radio System meeting

Either of you interested in attending this radio meeting ?

From: Butman, Laurel []

Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2014 9:03 AM

To: Peter Boyce; Chris Jordan (; David Frasher; Krupp, Don; Amanda Zeiber; Bryan Cosgrove; Dan Huff (; Gene Green (; Sherilynn Lombos (

Subject: FRIENDLY REMINDER: Public Safety Radio System meeting

Good Morning –

I am hoping you can let me know your preference for a meeting time today. Here is a reminder of my original email:

At our September 2 City/County Managers meeting, attendees requested that I set up a special meeting for us to discuss in more depth the need and potential options for the future replacement of the public safety radio system in Clackamas and Washington counties.

Currently the two counties operate a joint system through two ORS 190 organizations: C-800 in Clackamas and WCCCA in Washington. Users pay for operations through user fees. Increasingly the system is becoming outdated, with some components no longer supported and parts only available on e-Bay. In addition, with the conversion to digital communications, the narrow banding of spectrum, and requirements for interoperability, replacement of the current system will become inevitable in the relatively near future. This is a costly proposition, but one that C-800 and WCCCA users have been exploring in earnest in order to continue to maintain and/or enhance their service levels for the public.

Don Krupp and I would like to convene and host a meeting here at the County to share background information and potential options with you as a group. Two potential times are:

1. Monday, October 6, 1:00-2:00

2. Monday, October 13, 2:00-3:00

These are similar to our “regular” meeting times. Would you please get back to me by Wednesday of this week with your availability/preference of when to schedule this meeting? In addition, I (along with appropriate public safety representatives) would be willing to meet with you individually if neither of these times will work for you.

Currently, preference is running strongly for Monday, Oct 6.

Thank you in advance for letting me know what will work best for you. I look forward to briefing you more thoroughly and engaging in a productive dialogue about potential solutions.

Best, Laurel

Laurel Butman

Deputy County Administrator

Clackamas County

2051 Kaen Road

Oregon City, OR 97045

503.655-8893 (desk)

503.758-3188 (mobile)

In keeping with our sustainability objectives, the County Administration office is open

Monday through Thursday from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. We are closed Fridays.