From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Mon Jan 26 17:10:19 2015

To: Lee, Rob

Cc: Garrett Edmunds

Subject: RE: Flow Meter Installs

Importance: Normal


Perfect! 9 AM it is.


Jennifer Cline, P.E.


City of Molalla


Public Works Director


O: 503.759.0218


F: 503.829.3676




-----Original Message-----

From: Lee, Rob []

Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 5:00 PM

To: P. E. Jennifer Cline

Subject: Re: Flow Meter Installs


No worries. I'll plan on being there at 9 unless I hear otherwise from you. See you tomorrow.




Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Smartphone


----- Reply message -----

From: "Jennifer Cline" <>

To: "Lee, Rob" <>

Subject: Flow Meter Installs

Date: Mon, Jan 26, 2015 4:35 PM


Hi Rob,


Yes we did receive everything. I will confirm with Garrett that they have attached the sensors to the rings in the morning, but otherwise we are ready to go.


Sorry for the late reply.


Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676


From: Lee, Rob []

Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 1:29 PM

To: Jennifer Cline

Subject: Flow Meter Installs



Hope you had a nice weekend. Nothing to bring out the sunshine like getting flow meters in the ground when we’re hoping it rains!


I just wanted to confirm you guys had everything you needed and we’re still on for installs starting tomorrow. 9:00 at City Hall? If the date needs to change (given our weather, I don’t think that’s a big deal), I can move things around and be available any other day this week. Let me know.


Robert Lee, P.E.

Brown and Caldwell<>

T 503.977.6625 | C 503.828.7542

