From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Tue Dec 01 07:30:53 2015

To: Jeff Winward


Subject: Re: Fire Water Flow Data Request

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png;


Hi Jeff,


The Molalla Fire Department will have the hydrant flow information you are looking for. Mike Penunuri will be your contact and I have included him on this email.


Please let me know if you have any additional questions.



Jenn Cline


Sent from my iPhone


On Dec 1, 2015, at 7:22 AM, Jeff Winward <> wrote:



I have a potential fire sprinkler project located at 180 Fenton Street, Molalla, OR 97038. Do you have a current hydrant flow near the property that I could use to prepare a preliminary system layout and hydraulic calculation in order to budget the project? Who is the main point of contact with the City of Molalla that I should be reaching out to? I am looking for static and residual pressures and flow rate.

Thanks for all your help.



Jeff Winward | Fire Sprinkler Sales | Project Manager

Western States Fire Protection Co. WSFP.COM

13896 Fir St. Suite B, Oregon City, OR 97045

D: 503.305.3012| M: 971.409.3145 | F: 503.657.5182 |O: 503.657.5155

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