From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Fri May 06 15:44:34 2016

To: Dave Kelly

Cc: Nicolas Lennartz

Subject: RE: Fence on 8th

Importance: Normal


Hi Dave,


Your right, I'm swamped. If the fence would go on public property, the answer has to be no private property can be constructed in public right-of-way. I will try to look into it soon, but it may take a week or so until I can get to it.


I have forwarded your concern to the Police Chief as well to alert him to the issue. We are looking into a separate issue that may be causing the trespassers.


Thanks for your patience.





-----Original Message-----

From: Dave Kelly []

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 1:13 PM

To: Jennifer Cline <>

Subject: Fence on 8th


Hi Jennifer,

I know your busy with street improvements but I got a huge favor to ask.


You know the ugly part of 8th street dead end where the two streets don't meet up?


I live there and we are having a horrible time with homeless people walking through and doing bad things. Is there any chance you'd remove those two large concrete barricades and have the public works guys cut back two feet of the hillside and let me put in my own wood fence??


I know it's an odd request and I'm willing to pay for all fence materials and fence labor, but our neighbors all agree that spot needs to be closed off. Things are getting ugly over here. My neighbor is a sheriff and parks his car there but it seems to be egging on the bad people now.


Anything at all would be great, just need you to approve it and I'll get it done.




Dave Kelly

Everything Outdoors landscape

Serving Oregon since 1991

LCB 8874
