From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Thu Sep 11 11:51:11 2014
To: Bulk Products
Cc: Heather Penni; Peggy Johnson
Subject: RE: Express job
Importance: Normal
Hi Tammy,
Our finance director processed the payment a while ago, but she is out on vacation until next week so I won’t be able to verify anything until she returns.
I’m wondering if it was somehow lost in the mail. Will you please verify your mailing address to make sure it was mailed correctly?
Jennifer Cline, P.E.
City of Molalla
Public Works Director
O: 503.829.6855 Ext. #218
F: 503.829.3676
From: Bulk Products []
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 11:28 AM
Subject: Express job
Good Morning,
Just checking to see if you could give me an idea on when we will be receiving payment on the express job we did for the parks. Thank you for your time. Have a great day.
Tammy Houdeshell
Terra Gardens Nursery & Bark