From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Mon Dec 08 13:33:39 2014

To: CONDON Killian

Cc: Rory Strean; Dan Huff; Garrett Edmunds; Nicolas Lennartz

Subject: RE: Complaint

Importance: Normal


Hi Killian,

The City is unaware of the of the storage of grease/oils on the private property at: 31810 S HWY 213, MOLALLA OR. 97038. I have been with the City starting in July 2014, so I spoke with our City Manager and Public Works Supervisor regarding this property. Neither of them were aware or have received complaints from any surrounding residents regarding this business.

I will pass the complaint information along to our Code Enforcement Office to visit the site and inform the property owner if any violations are found. This property is currently zoned M2 – Heavy industrial, which does allow them to have storage of equipment and materials to conduct business within City Code requirements.

Will you (DEQ) follow up with a letter regarding the close proximity of the barrels to the drainage ditch that drains to Bear Creek?

Lastly, do you have the complainant’s contact information?


Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

image "file:///C:

From: CONDON Killian []

Sent: Monday, December 08, 2014 10:07 AM

To: ''

Cc: 'CONDON Killian'

Subject: Complaint

Good morning Jennifer

A Molalla resident has contacted DEQ about storage of grease/oils that may be impacting a drainage ditch. The company is PGM Inc. and the link to the property is . I wonder if you are familiar with this site and if Molalla is currently working with them on this issue?

Thanks in advance

Complaint narrative:

The issue of all of the open oil barrels has been addressed by DEQ in the past and they are required to be under cover which they clearly are not. The irrigation ditch all the debris is in runs into Bear Creek a block away. The ditch should be free from all the metal debris and empty barrels that could/do leak potential chemicals into the waterways, not to mention near my well! The barrels have oil and grease lubricant in them that is used by the business. The MSDS does say they contain chemicals that are not healthy for the environment so leaking into the ditch or near my well concerns me. Issues regarding the unnecessary about of machinery/debris/tires in the ditch, and on both sides. Not to mention that this business last check does not have a fire hydrant near it and with the pile of tires up against the building is a huge fire hazard. They have bags of garbage and cat food sitting out behind a building and with them on the boarder of Rural Residential and Farm land just houses away this does provide a nuisance of stray cats, skunks and raccoons. Lastly, what are the requirements regarding irrigation ditches and waterways that contain water 9 months out of the year. Do businesses have to keep stuff 10 feet back ect? I am not the only neighbor this affects, as the oil and other chemicals have in years past been puddling onto the property in front of them as well. Now that we are getting into the rainy season it’s time to get the open containers with all the residue covered and away from the ditch lines. The huge pile of tires up against and around the building picked up. I do have pictures that I can forward.

Killian Condon | Solid Waste Program

Oregon DEQ | Northwest Region

2020 SW 4th Ave., Ste. 400, Portland, OR 97201

(503.229.5562 |

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