From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Mon Feb 29 13:48:18 2016

To: Nicolas Lennartz;; Gerald Fisher

Subject: RE: Comments on Proposed Partition Plat

Importance: Normal


Hi Nicolas,

My comments to be reviewed and included with yours are as follows:

Plat Summary

· Page 8, Section C.  Developer notes: Correct “flat lot” to read “flag lot

· Page 11.  At end of first sentence following Leroy Avenue add, “through the proposed 20’ Pvt. Access & Pvt. Utility Easement”.

· Page 12. Rewrite 3rd paragraph to read, “Future water and sanitary service for the proposed Lot 2 will be accessed from Leroy Avenue through the proposed 20’ Pvt. Access & Pvt. Utility Easement.

· Page 13. Section B3.  I have concerns with the easement being adjacent to the neighboring properties easement.  The layout does not consolidate the accesses to one and creates a potential double wide access with the neighboring property.  Future driveway should have a 5’ setback to the property line.

· Are you requiring an LID to be signed for future sidewalk/drainage improvements on Leroy?

Plat Map

· Change access surfacing note to read “Future Access to be improved with all-weather surface per MCC”

Let me know if you have any questions,

Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director

Licensed in OR, WA

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR  97038

O: 503.759.0218 | F:  503.829.3676

From: Nicolas Lennartz []

Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 2:51 PM

To:; 'Gerald Fisher' <>; Jennifer Cline <>

Subject: Comments on Proposed Partition Plat

Mike, Jen & Gerald,


I am requesting comments on the attached proposed partition at 419 Leroy. I would like any comments submitted by Friday, March 11th.


Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions.

Nicolas Lennartz | Community Planner | City of Molalla

O: 503∙759∙0219 | C: 503∙998∙7048

communityplanner at

117 N. Molalla Ave. | Molalla, OR 97038

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