From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Fri Apr 24 10:34:40 2015
To: Jonathan Patrick
Cc: Jason Clifford; Bill Fasth; Dan Huff
Subject: Re: Coleman Irrigation
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.png; Hi, Thank you for all the info. Looks like I will be updating the plan with our new numbers. At least the city cell number for you will not be changed if someone has an old copy. Thanks again, JC Sent from my iPhone On Apr 24, 2015, at 9:08 AM, Jonathan Patrick <> wrote: Hey Jen, the phone numbers that you need are on page 2 of the recycled water use plan that was attached to your email. You should also have the contacts at the plant updated. Eric and I are listed as the plant contacts in the rwup. That should be updated to Jason and Jake. I talked to Bob Wengart at the City of Canby and he confirmed what I had said before. Canby quit using the site because they upgraded the system to meet class A biosolids. When the new system did not work they contracted with Heard farms to take it. The City of Canby does not currently land apply biosolids at all. It has nothing to do with contamination. There were a lot of odor complaints associated with some of the other sites (not Piuser’s). From: Jennifer Cline [] Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 9:37 AM To: Jason Clifford Cc: Jake Ehredt;; Dan Huff Subject: Coleman Irrigation Hi Jason, I apologize we did not have a chance to meet on Tuesday, here are a few items I wanted to cover in the meeting; Have you had a chance to schedule a meeting with Mr. Coleman prior to starting up the irrigation? Just in case his home number is 503-829-3140. I do not have his cell, but Jonathan might. I would like to attend the meeting as well to introduce myself to Mr. Coleman and discuss the plan for 2015. Here are a few items I would like to discuss: · Irrigation schedule and expectations of his crew – Coleman’s employees turn on hand lines between 8 to 9 PM for irrigating at overnight. This should reduce public attention of the irrigation. We will contact Coleman and the employee’s when the sites are ready for irrigation based on the moisture blocks in North Coleman Ranch. Request cell phone contact numbers for Coleman’s employees. · Emergency Contacts - If a break in the hand line system or malfunction in one of the Big Guns is found, the City shall be notified immediately. Provide contact emergency Call List to Coleman and employees, including Duty Phone number. · City responsibilities – The hand lines will be shut off by 8 AM in the morning and relocated if necessary according to the moisture blocks. There will be NO hand lines utilized on South Coleman Ranch property. The City is in the process of purchasing a 2nd Big Gun for irrigation and will plan to have it available for use in late June or early July 2015. The City will manage and relocated the Big Guns based on the moisture blocks. · Hand Coleman a Copy of the Molalla RWUP and the updated changes, all included above. · Setbacks – Go over setbacks. No irrigation is allowed within 50 feet of any Bear Creek or Creamery Creek headwaters. No irrigation water is allowed within 10 feet of any fence line or roadway (i.e. people or anamals). If noticed by Coleman employee’s please contact the City Call List. All setbacks are listed below and above in the Final RWUP along with a map, with exception to the “new” setback. Setbacks The following setbacks will be maintained around sensitive features at all of the irrigation sites: § Year-round drainages: 100 feet § Seasonal drainages: 50 feet § Wells used for drinking water: 100 feet § Wells connected to any water supply source: 50 feet § Homes: 100 feet § Public roads: 15 feet § Property lines: 10 feet § **NEW** Fences used on a site to exclude people or animals: 10 feet Let me know if you have any questions, or think anything else should be added to the agenda. Also, the Big Gun approval was set over for the next council meeting to ensure the budget committee will approve the CIP for FY 2015/16. Please contact Leo and provide him with update. Also please ask him for the warrantee on the hose. Both of the other suppliers have a 5-year hose warrantee. Thanks, Jennifer Cline, P.E. City of Molalla Public Works Director O: 503.759.0218 F: 503.829.3676 <image001.png>