From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Mon Jul 20 10:33:44 2015

To: Ryan Hepler

Subject: RE: City of Molalla

Importance: Normal


Sound good, thank you for checking into this.

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

image "file:///C:

From: Ryan Hepler []

Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 8:57 AM

To: Jennifer Cline

Subject: FW: City of Molalla


Here is what I got back from Peter regarding the last survey. I may request an extension on a few of the items (see untitled attachment from Keith). I am going to ask for an extension on item 3, Item 5 (emergency response plan),item 7. I will speak to you first before I request an extension.

Ryan Hepler

From: Farrelly Peter R []

Sent: Friday, July 17, 2015 3:11 PM

To: 'Ryan Hepler'

Subject: RE: City of Molalla


You can still submit the certification form for the old CCR. (We couldn’t find it here in the office.)

Find 2014’s WSS attached.

The salient points of the survey are also online under the “Site Visits” link. You’ll notice, importantly, that the last item to be resolved is due quite soon. Find the attached Corrective Action Plan. Verify you resolved these issues before the due date, or request an extension.



From: Ryan Hepler []

Sent: Friday, July 17, 2015 12:47 PM

To: Farrelly Peter R

Cc: Jennifer Cline

Subject: City of Molalla


I have a question about information relating to the Drinking Water data online. Under the section for Consumer confidence reports for year 2013 the area for “date certified” is blank. I was wondering if we need to re submit a certification letter or if there is any way to update that information? We would like to bring everything up to compliance if possible.

Also, I see that there had been a Water System Survey done in October 2014. I was hoping to get a copy of the survey report if possible. I do have a copy of the letter you sent to our former operator listing deficiencies to be corrected. Thanks again.

Ryan Hepler

City of Molalla

Water Treatment Operator
