From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Wed Nov 12 15:50:44 2014
To: Sirois, Mark
Cc: Kelly, Steve; Nicolas Lennartz;
Subject: RE: CDBG Grant application
Importance: Normal
Hi Mark,
Thank you for the information.
Will you please provide the map delineating the low income areas of Molalla that projects would be eligible for?
Jennifer Cline, P.E.
City of Molalla
Public Works Director
O: 503.759.0218
F: 503.829.3676
From: Sirois, Mark []
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 9:28 AM
Cc: Kelly, Steve
Subject: FW: CDBG Grant application
We wanted to make sure you saw this CDBG application.
See my note to Dan below:
Let me know if you have any questions.
Clackamas County
Housing and Community Development Division
From: Sirois, Mark
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 3:10 PM
To: Dan Huff (
Cc: Kelly, Steve
Subject: CDBG Grant application
The new Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application is available now for funds in 2015 and 2016.
CDBG funded projects on Kennel Ave and Leroy Ave in the past.
Here is the connection to the website application:
I also put together a Helpful Hints sheet for you to use.
Call or email me with any questions.
Thank You,
Mark Sirois
Clackamas County Health, Housing and Human Services Department
Housing and Community Development Division
2051 Kaen Road #245
Oregon City, OR 97045
Phone: 503.650.5664
Clackamas H3S is not open on Fridays as part of Clackamas County's dedication to sustainability.
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