From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Tue Oct 07 13:19:54 2014
To: Mark Strandberg
Cc: Christine Hein; Jonathan Patrick
Subject: RE: Call with Tiffany
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.jpg; Hi Mark, You are correct, we have not irrigated on South Molalla ranch since August 25th this year. Do you want me to follow up with Tiffany regarding her other topic of discussion for permitting of waste water discharges? I think she wanted to go over the NPDES permit. Thanks, Jennifer Cline, P.E. City of Molalla Public Works Director O: 503.829.6855 Ext. #218 F: 503.829.3676 From: Mark Strandberg [] Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 1:13 PM To: Cc: Christine Hein Subject: Call with Tiffany Jennifer- I spoke with Tina, and it turns out she has to call Tiffany today anyway, so she will see if she can answer any of Tiffany’s questions at this point. We will let you know if Tiffany needs a follow up call with you. Prior to our making that call, I just want to confirm that I understood you correctly, there has been no watering on South Coleman at all since August 25th, correct? Thanks, Mark Mark P. Strandberg 621 SW Morrison, Suite 600 Portland, Oregon 97205 (503) 964-6725 office direct (503) 964-6730 office main (773) 606-9467 mobile __________________________________________________________________________________________ This transmission is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or duplication of this transmission by someone other than the intended addressee or its designated agent is strictly prohibited. If your receipt of this transmission is in error, please notify this firm immediately by telephone at (503) 964-6730, or reply to this transmission. Thank you.