From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Mon Mar 28 17:56:22 2016


Cc: ADAMS Talena E; DAGNESE Susanne L; BURNS Katherine S; Dan Huff

Subject: RE: ARTS Scope & Estimate Review Follow Up - City of Molalla

Importance: Normal

Attachments: ARTS_FinalEst_Molalla_OR213_at_ToliverRd_and_OR211_at_OnaWay_v1 (003).pdf; PGE Francise Agreement-10 Years from Feb 2013.pdf; WAVE.pdf;


Hi Seth,

Below are questions in regards to the estimate:

· Assuming (with the 35% contingency) the City’s responsibility will be $11,598.35?

· When will be the expected year of expenditure assuming Molalla is willing to bundle this project with the STIP Enhanced Bike & Pedestrian project for 2015-18?

In regards to the Assumptions listed:

· The City does not expect the need to purchase ROW at this location. City is working with a developer to donate ROW on the north side of OR 211 for intersection improvements.

· The City does not anticipate ADA impacts, no sidewalks exist today. If sidewalks ramps are constructed, the developer will be required to meet current ODOT and ADA standards.

I have included the franchise agreements for PGE & Wave (utilities on the poles). Please let me know if there are any questions or additional agreements you will need.


Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director

Licensed in OR, WA

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038

O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676

From: BRUMLEY Seth A []

Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 4:22 PM

To: '' <>

Cc: ADAMS Talena E <>; DAGNESE Susanne L <>; BURNS Katherine S <>

Subject: ARTS Scope & Estimate Review Follow Up - City of Molalla

Hi Jennifer,


Thank you for talking with us last Thursday about the initial draft of your ARTS Systemic scope estimate and to discuss assumptions/next steps. Please review the summary below, confirm/revise assumptions, and address all action items/follow up needed by March 11, 2016. City follow up items are in blue italics.


· Molalla’s Hot Spot project had a low B/C ratio and didn’t make the final cut for the 150% scoping list.

· ODOT is hoping to bundle projects into $1 million projects for cost efficiency



· City would like ODOT to deliver the project and bundle it with similar projects. Please confirm.

· City will review and comment on bid items and scope assumptions.

· City will provide information to ODOT on their utility franchise agreement.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns. Thanks again for assisting with this effort.

Seth Brumley

ODOT Region 1- Program and Funding

123 NW Flanders St, Portland, OR 97209

Office: 503.731.8286