From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Fri Mar 20 12:06:40 2015
To: Mitch Jorgensen
Cc: Sadie Cramer; Dan Huff
Subject: RE: Add On Easement for Hydrant
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.jpg; Hi Mitch, I believe you can revise the existing plat drawing and place the easement on it. The same notes for the existing easement would also apply. The City Recorder would need to sign off prior to recording it through the county. The easement should be minimum 15’ wide and 7.5’ on center. Let me know if that does not address Mike’s questions. Jennifer Cline, P.E. City of Molalla Public Works Director O: 503.759.0218 F: 503.829.3676 From: Mitch Jorgensen [] Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 4:36 PM To: 'Jennifer Cline'; 'Dan Huff' Cc: 'Nicolas Lennartz' Subject: FW: Add On Easement for Hydrant Please see below and give us a little help please with this. Thanks. Mitch Jorgensen, Pres. QCT/CCT #44362 Molalla Redi-Mix & Rock Products, Inc. PO Box 555 Molalla, Or 97038 (503) 829-5555 x 15 office (503) 829-5558 fax (503) 969-3377 cell Online at From: Mike Rademacher [] Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:59 PM To: Mitch Jorgensen Subject: RE: Add On Easement for Hydrant Hello: We can prepare a new easement and legal description for the hydrant, but the original easement was created on the face of the 2007 partition plat. Please ask the City to provide with a ” boiler plate” example of the new easement that contains the appropriate language. Thanks Mike Rademacher • Survey Manager Compass Land Surveyors (P) 503.653.9093 (F) 503.653.9095 (C) 503.860.9497 From: Mitch Jorgensen [] Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 10:40 AM To: Mike Rademacher Subject: Add On Easement for Hydrant Can you help me with this minor modification? The City wants me to include the hydrant in the Water Line Easement since it sticks out from it. Kinda silly I think. I’ve included the letter and a drawing. Thanks Mitch Jorgensen, Pres. QCT/CCT #44362 Molalla Redi-Mix & Rock Products, Inc. PO Box 555 Molalla, Or 97038 (503) 829-5555 x 15 office (503) 829-5558 fax (503) 969-3377 cell Online at