From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Thu Jul 16 16:38:03 2015

To: Mitch Magenheimer

Cc: Nicolas Lennartz

Subject: Re: 1212 Toliver Rd.

Importance: Normal


6" minus is acceptable, you can also use quarry spalls.


Sent from my iPhone


On Apr 24, 2015, at 3:13 PM, Mitch Magenheimer <> wrote:


Nicolas and Jennifer,


As for our Toliver Rd. project, we would like to do 2 construction entrances. Ideally we will use the method of crossing the curb without cutting it as was show in the detail that Jennifer sent over. On the construction entrances, it calls for 3 to 6 inch clean rock. Right now, we can't find any local 3 to 6 inch clean at any of the pits. it is all 3" minus or 6" minus or 12" minus. could we use the 3" minus or do we have to find the 3 - 6 inch clean.


Please let me know back as soon as possible. We hope to construct them tomorrow if we can use the 3 inch minus.




Mitch Magenheiemr