From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Thu May 28 07:07:58 2015

To: Gerald Fisher

Subject: Re: [QUAR] RE: ROW Permit - Molalla

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png;


Ok thank you


Sent from my iPhone


On May 28, 2015, at 7:07 AM, Gerald Fisher <> wrote:


Hi Jen,

I wouldn't do that. Silverton has a deep main lateral connection that is better and can still be cleaned by the crews. Will send you a copy tomorrow. I have to go up to Scappoose in the AM but will send you a pdf when I get back.





Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone



-------- Original message --------

From: Jennifer Cline <>

Date: 05/27/2015 4:10 PM (GMT-08:00)

To: Gerald Fisher <>

Cc: Nicolas Lennartz <>

Subject: FW: [QUAR] RE: ROW Permit - Molalla


Hi Gerald,

Do you know about these risers? Looks like it 90’s directly into the top of the main.

We have a resident requesting to make this connection due to the sanitary line being quite deep. I know this is not a typical preferred method of connection.

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676


From: Nicolas Lennartz []

Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 2:59 PM

To: Jennifer Cline

Subject: FW: [QUAR] RE: ROW Permit - Molalla


Nicolas Lennartz | Community Planner | City of Molalla

O: 503•759•0219 | C: 503•998•7048

communityplanner at

117 N. Molalla Ave. | Molalla, OR 97038



From: Trofim Matveev []

Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 2:34 PM

To: Nicolas Lennartz

Cc: Randy Singer

Subject: [QUAR] RE: ROW Permit - Molalla


Attached are two pdf’s. one is my ODOT permit and the other is a detail Randy Singer I&E’s civil Project Manger wants to use when he connects the sewer. Can you take a look at this and get back to us with your thoughts?

Because of all the utility’s in the are, Randy thinks this will be the easiest way to get around them. If I understand Randy correctly, I don’t think he plans on using 2 Y’s but just one. This is a detail he used on one of our old jobs.


Trofim Matveev

I & E Construction, Inc.

9550 SE Clackamas Rd.

Clackamas, OR 97015

C: 503.519.7092

T: 503.655.7933

F: 503.650.8177


From: Nicolas Lennartz []

Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 12:52 PM

To: Trofim Matveev

Subject: ROW Permit - Molalla

Hi Trofim,


I have worked with the public works director to authorize the ROW permit from the city of Molalla for your work at 951 W Main St. We would like a copy of the ROW permit from ODOT for our records. The permit is available to pick up at city hall pending any changes to the utilities plan.


Thanks, call/contact me with questions.

Nicolas Lennartz | Community Planner | City of Molalla

O: 503•759•0219 | C: 503•998•7048

communityplanner at

117 N. Molalla Ave. | Molalla, OR 97038
