From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Fri Oct 10 16:50:46 2014
To: Keith Stiglbauer
Cc: Dan Huff; Peggy Johnson
Bcc: Garrett Edmunds
Subject: RE:
Importance: Normal
From what I read, I understand you have the following issues listed in your email:
(1) Jon Peterson, the current WWTP Operator, is being paid out of class above the current top scale.
(2) Your wages and overtime have been cut
(3) You are expected to work or cover the plant when ill
(4) The city’s actions have shown your services are no longer wanted or needed at the city
If I understand these issues or concerns correctly I will do my best to address each one as follows.
(1) The current WWTP Operator is not earning a wage above the top step within his class. The City Administration made the decision to advance Jon early to the next step for performing above and beyond his job duties when called upon beginning last February.
(2) Your wages have not been cut, and overtime is determined and assigned according to the Teamsters Local Union No. 223 contract. As I discussed with you in my office in person, we are looking for ways to reduce the amount of overtime in the budget. The decisions to make cuts in overtime are no reflection of any City Employee’s performance. The Administration will continue to identify areas to reduce excessive expenses and operate efficiently.
(3) If you are sick, the city provides you with 8 hours of sick leave a month to take accordingly. I understand Jeff may be out of the plant today, however he could be asked to come back in or placed on call incase an alarm is sounded.
(4) I am unaware of any direct actions that myself or other city officials have taken to show you that your services are no longer wanted or needed. The City wants employees to enjoy their jobs and enjoy coming to work here.
I have always been open and honest with you, so I am unsure of where you’re gathering your information. Please let me know when you are able to discuss this with me in person.
Jennifer Cline, P.E.
City of Molalla
Public Works Director
O: 503.829.6855 Ext. #218
F: 503.829.3676
-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Stiglbauer []
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 10:44 AM
To: Jennifer Cline
It is my understanding that the city is and has been paying the waste water treatment plant operator more than the water plant operator is that the truth? I think my biggest concern is what else is going on I don't know about. I think I just worked 5 weeks pretty much by myself holding this place together. And my wages and overtime is going to be cut. I have always tried to do my part to help and to get along. Some things that I do here at the city are starting to not make sense like working today sick to cover the plant. Please lets all be honest here if the city doesn't want or need my services any more then please lets just call it. Most times actions speak louder than words. Keith