From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Mon Oct 27 16:27:19 2014
To: Dan Huff
Cc: 'Jonathan Patrick'; Garrett Edmunds; Sadie Cramer
Subject: pH and Temp Bid Request from council
Importance: Normal
Attachments: Proposal Sensors PLC and SCADA.pdf; Q141024E City of Molalla pH and Temperature Monitoring Project.pdf; pH and temp RFP.docx; Hi Dan, Attached are the two quotes received with in the 10-day RFP request that Jon sent out for the pH and Temp Monitoring system that is required by NPDES for monitoring the Molalla River upstream from the DMS state at the WTP pump house and the effluent leaving the WWTP. Jon has recommended selecting the Industrial Systems Bid for $24,730, which is $3,020 less than the next Bid. Both quotes look similar in description, with these differences: Industrial Systems TAG Bid Price $24,730 $27,750 Permits, Fees and Taxes No Not Mentioned Set up, testing and Calibration 2 trips or 12 hours Included, w/ no time limit Here is the Project Summary, also included in the attached RFP: Project Summary To meet new regulatory requirements the City of Molalla wastewater treatment plant needs to install two constant monitoring pH probes and one constant monitoring temperature probe. The equipment will be tied into existing PLCs. One pH meter will be installed in an open channel at the headworks. One pH meter will be installed in a sample line at the discharge monitoring station. A small amount of plumbing PVC pipe will be required to install the second pH meter. The constant monitoring temperature probe needs to be installed in the intake wet well for the city water treatment plant. Readings need to be displayed and recorded on the existing scada system. High, low and average readings for temperature need to be recorded. High low and 90th percentile need to be recorded for influent and effluent pH. This information needs to be recorded on the existing daily computer printout or have another sheet added. It should be displayed on existing screens of the scada system or have new pages added. Jennifer Cline, P.E. City of Molalla Public Works Director O: 503.759.0218 F: 503.829.3676