From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Tue Jan 27 15:24:55 2015

To: Dan Huff; Nicolas Lennartz

Subject: ODOT Funding under STIP (5 years funding)

Importance: Normal


Here's an update from our Area Engineers Mtg. today.


ODOT Funding under STIP (5 years funding)


Must submit a B/C


ARTS Funding in 2 ways (1) Hot Spots and (2) Systemic


DKS on contract for Hot Spots

Other funding is Systemic


3 Workshops - Feb 10th

STIP Application Due date March 27 for Systemic & June for Hot Spots!!!

IGA for funding required.


B/C doesn't work well with Bike/Ped

Other info needed but part of Systemic


$10 million a year, jurisdictionally blind

$5 M - hot spots (I.e. 211 phase 2)

$5 M - systemic (I.e. Toliver and Mathias)

7.8% match


Application is online!


STIP - Enhanced funding can be paired with the Safety Funds.






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