From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Mon Sep 21 13:24:46 2015

To: 'Brenda McCoy-Manfredo'; 'Steven Hudson ('; 'Jason Walborn ('; 'Dave Scott'; ''; 'Daily Journal of Commerce - Oregon'; 'Eugene Builders Exchange'; 'Douglas Plan Center'; 'Medford Builders Exchange'; 'Minority Plan Center'; 'Oregon Association of Minority Entrepeneurs'; 'Salem Contractors Exchange'; 'SW Washington Contractors Assoc.'; 'Valley Plan Center'; 'Builders Exchange of Washington - Reception'; 'Central Oregon Builders Exchange'; 'Contacts & Careers'; 'Contractor Plan Center (Brie)'; 'Contractor Plan Center (Deanna)'; 'Contractor Plan Center (Svea)'; 'Daily Journal of Commerce - Oregon'; 'Willamette Valley Bid Center'; 'Builders Exchange of Washington'

Cc: Dan Zinder; Lee, Rob; 'Gerald Fisher'; Dan Huff

Bcc: Jennifer Cline

Subject: Molalla RFP PW-15-02 CCTV

Importance: Normal

Attachments: RFP NO PW-15-02_CCTV_Sanitary Sewer.pdf; Appendix A - 2015_Molalla Sewer System Map.pdf; Appendix B - Molalla WWTP Plans.pdf;



Please Disregard if you have no interest in Municipal Request For Proposals (RFPs) or do not provide CCTV Inspections Services.


This email has been sent to notify and seek interest for the attached RFP No. PW-15-02, CCTV Inspection Services of the Sanitary Sewer System for the City of Molalla.

For additional details, please also see the following Molalla Bid/RFP webpage:

Please feel free to share with other contractors and/or agencies that may be interested in the attached RFP and supporting documents.


Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director

Licensed in OR, WA

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038

O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676
