From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Mon Sep 21 13:24:46 2015
To: 'Brenda McCoy-Manfredo'; 'Steven Hudson ('; 'Jason Walborn ('; 'Dave Scott'; ''; 'Daily Journal of Commerce - Oregon'; 'Eugene Builders Exchange'; 'Douglas Plan Center'; 'Medford Builders Exchange'; 'Minority Plan Center'; 'Oregon Association of Minority Entrepeneurs'; 'Salem Contractors Exchange'; 'SW Washington Contractors Assoc.'; 'Valley Plan Center'; 'Builders Exchange of Washington - Reception'; 'Central Oregon Builders Exchange'; 'Contacts & Careers'; 'Contractor Plan Center (Brie)'; 'Contractor Plan Center (Deanna)'; 'Contractor Plan Center (Svea)'; 'Daily Journal of Commerce - Oregon'; 'Willamette Valley Bid Center'; 'Builders Exchange of Washington'
Cc: Dan Zinder; Lee, Rob; 'Gerald Fisher'; Dan Huff
Bcc: Jennifer Cline
Subject: Molalla RFP PW-15-02 CCTV
Importance: Normal
Attachments: RFP NO PW-15-02_CCTV_Sanitary Sewer.pdf; Appendix A - 2015_Molalla Sewer System Map.pdf; Appendix B - Molalla WWTP Plans.pdf; Hello, Please Disregard if you have no interest in Municipal Request For Proposals (RFPs) or do not provide CCTV Inspections Services. ******************************************************************************************************************** This email has been sent to notify and seek interest for the attached RFP No. PW-15-02, CCTV Inspection Services of the Sanitary Sewer System for the City of Molalla. For additional details, please also see the following Molalla Bid/RFP webpage: Please feel free to share with other contractors and/or agencies that may be interested in the attached RFP and supporting documents. Sincerely, Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director Licensed in OR, WA 117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038 O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676