From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Fri Jul 10 15:14:26 2015

To: COLE David

Cc: Jason Clifford; Dan Huff; Phillip Bender

Subject: Molalla Recycled Water

Importance: Normal


Hi David,

I tried to reach you by phone, but your voicemail says that you are out of the office today and checking voicemail and email. I wanted to provide information concerning sampling results for the City's recycled water distribution program.

This morning, Friday, July 10, the City's wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) Operator, Jason Clifford, received sample results for a 24-hour total coliform test sample that he had analyzed and sent as a split to Edge Analytical for QA/QC purposes. The City's sample result for total coliform was 223 colonies/100 ml and Edge Analytical's was 248/100 ml. The samples had been collected the previous day, July 9. As you know, the City's NPDES Permit criteria for Class A water for total coliform, daily max is 23 colonies/100 ml. The 24-hour total coliform test sample results for July 7 and 8, which were examined when ready on July 8 and 9 (they take 24 hours), were "TNTC" (too numerous to count), though lower on July 9 than July 8.

The City stopped distributing recycled water at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 9. The City will not distribute recycled water until subsequent sample results confirm that the recycled water meets the Class A criteria for total coliform, daily max (and all other applicable standards). We have also notified the irrigator on whose property recycled water was distributed on July 7, 8 and 9, Steve Coleman, of the sample results. No recycled water was distributed at any other location on those days.

The City has taken, and will continue to take, steps to investigate and resolve the total coliform results. The sample results for July 7, 8 and 9 are made up of non-E.coli bacteria (red colonies) and show no detection of E.coli (blue colonies). Jason Clifford thinks the red colonies are developing as a result of high temperatures in the lagoons, algae and possibly other factors. The WWTP Operators took measures on July 8, 9 and today to prevent the formation of red colonies, including the following: super chlorinating the Effluent Pump Station Wet Well; scrubbing and flushing the Chlorine Contact Basin; and sending the split sample to Edge Analytical to confirm sample quality and results. They will be emptying and washing the DAF’s on Monday, July 13. They also obtained oxidase reagents from HACH so that they can perform in-house testing to determine oxidase positive or oxidase negative of the red colonies in the future. In addition, the City is seeking expert advice from Brown & Caldwell to help address the issue.

Please confirm that you have received this email. Also, please let me know what further information, if any, would be useful.


Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

117 N Molalla Ave.

PO Box 248 *

Molalla, OR 97038

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

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