From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Thu Dec 11 06:49:58 2014

To: Rory Strean

Cc: Heather Penni; Peggy Johnson

Subject: Molalla Now business Rules

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image1.PNG; Untitled attachment 00623.txt; image2.PNG; Untitled attachment 00626.txt;


Hi Rory,


Apparently Molalla now is allowing local contractors to post on Molalla now advertisements if they are properly licensed. This doesn't necessarily mean they are licensed to conduct business in the city limits. Might as well use Molalla Now as a way to check if these posting businesses have a Molalla business license? If not, we can send them a warning letter.


Just an idea how to enforce the code. I understand many police stations do this across the states when research criminals.

