From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Thu Feb 25 13:20:24 2016

To: 'Chris Link'

Subject: Molalla Ave Updates

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Molalla Ave_OHA Distribution Approval.docx;


Hi Chris,

I just wanted to let you know I am shipping off the payment and plans to OHA to begin the review for the distribution line. I included your contact information in the email incase Peter has any technical questions.

I have not heard anything further from M.L. Houck since the receiving the insurance documentation. Have they reached out to you or returned the contract for the City’s signature? Also, when do you anticipate we will need to schedule the kick-off meeting with the contractor and utility companies. May be we can send out an invite for that in two weeks to keep the project moving along? Does Feb 10th work for you in the early afternoon around 2PM?

Thank you,

Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director

Licensed in OR, WA

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038

O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676
