From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Wed Nov 05 17:06:04 2014

To: ''

Cc: Rory Strean; 'Sadie Cramer'; Nicolas Lennartz; Dan Huff

Subject: Lexington Estates Plat & Shared Use Tract info

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Lexington Estates Plats 1-5.pdf;


Hi Marguerite,

It was good to talk with you today. As promised, I have included the plat maps detailing the different shared use tracks.

The City properties have been high-lighted in green

The Lexington Estates HOA is high-lighted in yellow

Rory will be back in the office on Monday the 10th. I will pass along your request for an onsite meeting discussing the locations that have been a concern of home owners in the development.

Also, Oregon Dept. of State Lands would have the information on what the requirements are for management and maintenance of the wetlands and natural drainages within the Lexington shared use areas. Here is a link to the website along with contacts for Clackamas County. I left a message with Anita today, hopefully I will hear back something soon.

Anita Huffman


Resource Coordinator: Clackamas and Yamhill Counties





Coordinator Assistant: Tanya Debban



If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to respond.

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

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