From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Fri Mar 25 13:43:37 2016

To: 'Steve Major (Dyer Partnership)'

Cc: 'Gerald Fisher'; Jason Clifford; Ryan Quigley (Dyer Partnership)

Subject: Leak Test Prep Info

Importance: Normal


Hi Steve,

I was looking through my notes and realized I own you some information on preparing for the trial run of the leak test.

· After discussing with Jason, at this time the optimum operation level of the lagoons is 9-ft. This allows plenty of room and maintain temperatures to allow for the ponds to break down the solids, yet provide adequate free board for safe operation levels.

· The flow meters at the headworks, DAF #1 and DAF #2 have been verified. We are waiting to receive the reports from the company.

· The flow meters for the gravity filter and back wash pump are having issues and a field service tech will be out to look at them both on Tuesday to determine if they can be repaired or need replaced. I wasn’t sure if these two were needed for the Leak Test or not.

· The flow meter at the DMS (discharge) will be verified after the shutdown beginning May 1st.

· We will need to look at options if we want to replace the staff gauge for Lagoon #2. The current gauge is measured on an incline an doesn’t allow for it to be replaced. If the existing gauge is insufficient for the test, we can look at alternate options.

Once I receive the verification reports, I will send them your way. Please let me know if left anything out or you need anything else.

Have a good weekend!

Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director

Licensed in OR, WA

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038

O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676
