From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Thu Oct 29 10:14:49 2015



Subject: Fwd: Trout Creek Station

Importance: Normal


In a meeting but wanted to share Ryan's info.


Sent from my iPhone


Begin forwarded message:


From: Ryan Hepler <>

Date: October 29, 2015 at 9:32:58 AM PDT

To: "Jennifer Cline" <>

Subject: Trout Creek Station


I just spoke with Ken Star of Water Resources about a flow station options. He deals with the installs if we propose to have Water Resources do the install of the monitoring station. He said typically equipment install would run $10,000-$12,000 and then they would have additional cost to process the data from the monitoring equipment annually (sometimes around $10,000 depending if annually or seasonal). They would have more firm prices if we submitted a proposal. If they do the install they have specific equipment that they will want to use. I asked if the monitoring station could be seasonal he said it depends on our permit. I also asked if the City needs to provide monitoring equipment temporarily or if it would need to be permanent and he said it depends on if our permit says we need to provide “continuous” monitoring our not.

I know we may be dealing with our engineer on this , I just figured I’d pass on this information. Also Ken said they work a lot with West Consultants on monitoring stations so they may be able to give us some guidance on this if needed.

Ryan Hepler

City of Molalla

Water Treatment Operator
