From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Mon Feb 22 10:18:54 2016


Subject: Fwd: Stone Place phase 3 Underground Fire Lines

Importance: Normal


This email sounds like they expect us to give approval for the building permits next week. Have we received everything we need yet? As of last Friday, I was still waiting on plans.




Sent from my iPhone


Begin forwarded message:


From: "Jeff Bolton" <>

Date: February 22, 2016 at 9:36:40 AM PST

To: "'Jennifer Cline'" <>

Cc: "'Dan Huff'" <>, "'Nicolas Lennartz'" <>, <>, "'Gerald Fisher'" <>

Subject: RE: Stone Place phase 3 Underground Fire Lines



I appreciated your email on Friday evening!

I have already contacted the Clackamas County Building Department this morning regarding the 8” public Fire Line - that this will be a city of Molalla public system onsite. I will let you know their response and if you will need to work this jurisdictional issue out with Clackamas County.

Per your email, I also wanted to make sure that I understand the building permit approvals onsite for the Multi/Family Development. Our public plans for the city of Molalla (sanitary/water) and all private plans through the Clackamas County building department will need to be approved prior to the issuance of building permits. Our office has also achieved what Nicolas Lennartz had initially asked for back in mid-December – The ODOT plan approval in conjunction with the PGE vault relocation plan (with fees paid) for the revised driveway entrances on HWY 211.

Please confirm my understanding of the building permit issuance, because we are around a week or so out for Building #1.

Thank you for the help,

Jeff Bolton

Multi/Tech Engineering

(503) 363-9227

From: Jennifer Cline []

Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 5:20 PM

To: Jeff Bolton

Cc: Dan Huff; Nicolas Lennartz; Gerald Fisher;

Subject: RE: Stone Place phase 3 Underground Fire Lines

Hi Jeff,

I agree that there has been a misunderstanding the different services the City and the County provide. For this specific project the City will review and inspect the following:

· All public utilities with in the public right-of-way or by easement provide to the City; water, storm, sewer and fire hydrant systems (does not include private fire sprinkler/suppression systems). Although we may review and comment on private property systems if they will directly and adversely impact the City Public systems. Stormwater is a good example.

· All public transportation facilities that are to constructed within the public right of way; Sidewalks, driveways, ADA ramps, vegetation and lighting. For this project we do not have frontage impacts to the City right-of-way, however I am interested in the Sidewalk and ADA connections to the proposed public park from the apartments and Ona Way (a county road).

· All public park facilities.

Clackamas County will be responsible to review and inspect the private systems in order to issue structural, plumbing or electrical permits. This includes buried private water service lines, private sewer lateral service lines and stormwater systems without a public easement. Building permits will not be issued until the City and County have both completed the reviews and issued approval of the engineered plans. At that time when all permits have been issued, SDC’s may be paid in accordance with MMC Section 13.14.090.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.


Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director

Licensed in OR, WA

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038

O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676

From: Jeff Bolton []

Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 4:06 PM

To: 'Jennifer Cline' <>; 'Nicolas Lennartz' <>; 'Dan Huff' <>

Cc: 'Mark Grenz' <>

Subject: FW: Stone Place phase 3 Underground Fire Lines


Sorry to bug you so late in the week…

I had submitted fire line plans to Clackamas County per the requirement of Ray Van Lieu of the building department last week.

Today we received comments back regarding our plans for fire service. Look at Clackamas County review comment # 8 - regarding the fire line. As noted the city of Molalla has no jurisdiction over the 8” fire hydrant run. Clackamas County is also stating that they will be approving all the private plans as well, so I am obtaining permits through their office for all private work onsite.

I deal with overlapping jurisdictions/service districts all the time in obtaining approvals and permits on many projects, but I am not looking real smart on the Molalla/Clackamas County connection.

I would like some guidance on what I need to do to obtain permits for this project through your office and/or Clackamas County, with the understanding that Karl has met all the SDC/Park fee requirements allowing construction to proceed.

I will go ahead and turn in the final public water line plans to your office on Monday afternoon with all the necessary easements as required. Please work this public/private waterline issue out with the Clackamas County building department as soon as possible.


Jeff Bolton

Multi/Tech Engineering

From: VanLieu, Ray []

Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 11:38 AM

To: Jeff Bolton

Subject: Stone Place phase 3 Underground Fire Lines

Hi Jeff,

Please see the attached plan review for permit B0060116.

Thank you,

Ray Van Lieu

Plans Examiner,

Clackamas County Building Codes

Phone 503-742-4787

Fax 503-742-4741