From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Tue Apr 21 13:05:47 2015

To: Dan Huff; J.W. Ring

Cc: Phillip Bender; Mark Strandberg; Jason Clifford

Subject: Fwd: Recycled Water Plan hearing date set and coordination for the April 22nd City Council Meeting

Importance: Normal


This is the last email we received from Tiffany. I don't see any questions that eludes to the fact we need to provide here info on the recycled water use plan. Very frustrated with their guidance as an agency.




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Begin forwarded message:


From: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany <>

Date: March 27, 2015 at 4:31:19 PM PDT

To: 'Jennifer Cline' <>, "''" <>


Subject: Recycled Water Plan hearing date set and coordination for the April 22nd City Council Meeting


Hello Jennifer and Dan

We just posted to our public notice website the proposed modification of the Recycled Water Use Plan and a public notice that communicates the how to and when to submit written comments. The public notice also provides the required 30 days notice and details of the Public Hearing, which will be at the Molalla Adult Community Center on Thursday, April 30, 2015, from 6pm to 8pm. I will be providing a quick overview, allowing a little time for questions and then going into a formal, recorded public hearing. As we’ve discussed, having one of you there is essential for the Q&A portion. You would not need to stay for the hearing.

Here is a link to our Public Notice page We have a lot of work happening at DEQ so you will need to scroll down the first page or even go to the second page to find the notice.

On April 22nd, when Nina, DEQ Cleanup representatives and I join you at the City Council meeting, we will be highlighting actions that your city will take to stay in compliance with the NPDES permit, among other topics. Specific to the permit, I will talk a little bit about the changes from being a minor discharger to a major discharger (I should be able to get you something in writing prior to that meeting for your own preparation), the need to keep looking for additional recycled water and biosolids sites and options for trucking water to sites that may use water intermittently, getting agreements with existing sites set up for this year, and perhaps touching on some of the reporting that you do such as the annual Infiltration and Inflow report and how that relates to the plan. I want you all to know what we will talk about and I invite you to contact me if you have questions about what we will cover.

Thank you both!

Tiffany Yelton Bram

WQ Source Control Manager

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

2020 SW 4th Ave., Suite 150

Portland OR 97201

Desk 503 229 5219

Mobile 503 975 0046

This spring, DEQ's Northwest Region Office will be moving to a new location - the 700 Lloyd Building at 700 NE Multnomah St., Suite #600, Portland, OR 97232. The target date for operating at the new location is May 26th, 2015.