From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Thu May 26 11:25:07 2016


Subject: Fwd: Permits

Importance: Normal


ODOT conduit


Sent from my iPhone


Begin forwarded message:


From: NICHOLS Marlene T <>

Date: May 26, 2016 at 10:58:32 AM PDT

To: 'Jennifer Cline' <>

Cc: NICHOLS Marlene T <>, KEYES Michael E <>, BACON Dan W <>, COFFEEN Patrick R <>, SMITH David S <>

Subject: RE: Permits


East on Hwy 211/161 going from Blackmans corner is maintained by our Estacada Section. This highway goes from Blackmans corner to the Estacada intersection with Hwy 224/171

ODOT District 2C Main Office

999 NW Frontage Road

Troutdale, OR 97060

Main#: 503-665-4193; Fax# 503-665-4487

This is where our District Manager, Assistant District Manager, Office Coordinator and Permits Office is located.

Marlene Nichols - 503-665-4006 is the Permit Specialist for:

· Utility Connections such as communication, power, natural gas line, sewer and water

· Miscellaneous Permits (i.e. events, parades, banners, traffic control, other)

Mike Keyes - 503-667-7441 is the Access Management Coordinator for:

· Road Connections, Driveways, Signals, Turn lanes, frontage road improvements, easement and right-of-way

Dan Bacon - Ofc: 503-665-4451; Cell: 503-970-6302 is the District Manager

Pat Coffeen - Cell: 503-720-6091 is the Estacada Maintenance Section Supervisor

His office is located at:

Estacada Maintenance Yard – Ofc: 503-630-6841

325 SW 2nd St

Estacada, OR 97023-8561

David Smith – Ofc: 503-666-9391 Region 1 Sign Crew & Striping Crew Supervisor


Marlene T. Nichols

District 2C - Permit Specialist

999 NW Frontage Road, Suite 250

Troutdale, Oregon 97060

Ofc: (503) 665-4006; Fax: (503) 665-4487



From: Jennifer Cline []

Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 9:50 AM

To: MELING Kermit

Cc: NICHOLS Marlene T; AVILES Irvin; NELSON James A; PETERS Jacob D; SCHNEIDER Patricia M; Dan Huff

Subject: RE: Permits

Hi Kermit,

I believe a list with appropriate contacts for each district would be helpful for all of the City staff.


Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director

Licensed in OR, WA

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038

O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676

From: MELING Kermit []

Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 9:33 AM

To: '' <>

Cc: NICHOLS Marlene T <>; AVILES Irvin <>; NELSON James A <>; PETERS Jacob D <>; SCHNEIDER Patricia M <>

Subject: Permits

Hi Jennifer,

Molalla is sort of a special area permit wise for ODOT. District 2C (Marlene Nichols) has the portions of HWY 211 east from Blackmans corner to Sandy and District 2B has the permits west of Blackmans Corner on Hwy 211 to the Marion County line and South from Blackmans corner on HWY 213 to the Marion county line. District 2B also has everything north of the corner to the end of HWY 213.

For maintenance it is different. Blackmans corner is the axis of change. HWY 211 West and HWY213 South of the corner are District 3 maintenance out of Salem. North on HWY 213 is District 2B (Milwaukie Section). Hwy 211 east is District 2C (Sandy Section).

If you want I can put together a phone list and contact numbers for you. Otherwise feel free to contact either Marlene or myself if you have any question for permits and maintenance.

Best Regards,

Kermit Meling

ODOT District 2B

Utility & Miscellaneous Permits

9200 SE Lawnfield Rd.

Clackamas, Oregon 97015

Office 971-673-6200

Cell 503-621-4704