From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Mon Jan 25 10:50:28 2016
Subject: Fwd: Molalla Ave Improv - Questions & Clarifications
Importance: Normal
Hi Chris,
Looks like most of these questions were answered in the last Q&As and addendum #1. Not certain on question #4?
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Begin forwarded message:
From: "" <>
Date: January 25, 2016 at 10:11:55 AM PST
To: "" <>, "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Molalla Ave Improv - Questions & Clarifications
Hello Jennifer & Chris,
This is the response for Addendum #1
1. Item #5 - Please confirm all the work no shown on the plan upon PGE 100% review will be extra work.
2. Item #6 - Please confirm that Bike Plaze and Stamped Concrete are as part of bid item #35 – Concrete Walks
3. Item #6 - How many weep holes do we need to assume? Are there criteria on how many weep holes are required? It will be in the best interest of the owner to create the own bid item for this so all the contractor price it correctly.
4. Please confirm on item No. 7:
a. PGE will provide the plan for service drop location and all trenching & conduit installation required prior to bid or is this going to be an extra cost after bid.
b. Is this going to be priced as extra work after bid once PGE provide the additional length of trenching & conduit installation required to supply power to the illumination system?
c. How can we quantify this work? How can we include the pricing in the bid when the work is unknown or not provided?
Duy H. Nguyen
R&R General Contractors, Inc.
3400 State St. Suite G780
Salem, OR 97301
Office: (503) – 586 – 0388
Fax: (503) – 586 – 0380
Cell: (503) – 428 – 4687