From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Thu Oct 15 13:39:39 2015



Subject: Fwd: Internship Opportunities

Importance: Normal


Something that might be of interest next summer?


Sent from my iPhone


Begin forwarded message:


From: Maeghan Sandberg <>

Date: October 15, 2015 at 11:42:20 AM PDT

To: "Jennifer Cline" <>, "Peggy Johnson" <>

Subject: FW: Internship Opportunities

Reply-To: "Maeghan Sandberg" <>


Forwarding this email inquiry to you for response, thanks!

Maeghan Sandberg

Court Clerk

Molalla Municipal Court

Ph 503-829-7711

Fax 503-829-3676

From: Jake Marr []

Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2015 11:37 AM


Subject: Internship Opportunities


My name is Jake Marr and I am a 3rd year Junior at Portland State University. I am a Community Development major. I know I might be slightly early in asking, but I am very interested in obtaining an internship this Spring and/or Summer with the Parks and Rec Department. I understand if you cannot realistically provide any details right now, as it is October, but I would really like to get a head start on this.

I am currently working 25hrs a week and going to school full time, but my campus job will decrease in hours come spring term, and cease existing over the summer. Therefore, I am looking for a full-time paid type internship or a part-time unpaid internship, as I still need to pay the bills.

Again, I know we are just entering fall, so I understand if you cannot provide much info at the moment. I would really enjoy working with the Parks and Rec, so I do not want to miss my chance.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Jake Marr