From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Sun May 10 11:11:01 2015

To: Darren Penni

Subject: Fwd: Fox Park Sprinklers

Importance: Normal


Hi Darrin,


Just passing this along,





Sent from my iPhone


Begin forwarded message:


From: Rebecca Corwin <>

Date: May 10, 2015 at 5:13:30 AM PDT

To: "Jennifer Cline" <>

Subject: Fox Park Sprinklers


I hope you are the right person to send this to. While I was patrolling at about 5 am I saw the sprinklers at Fox Park on. I noticed the sprinklers nearest the restroom building were covering a large portion of the parking lot, to the extent one was actually spraying the CCC building and another the dumpsters against the school maintenance building. There was considerable run-off down the storm drain. Just wanted to let you know so someone could check it if they aren’t supposed to be set like that.

Rebecca Corwin

Police Officer

Molalla Police Department

(503) 829-8817

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