From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Tue May 19 16:56:38 2015

To: Heather Penni

Cc: Jeff Mccrum

Subject: FW: WTP Schedule

Importance: Normal


Hi Heather,


Jeff needs to return to 5 - 8's to be onsite for the contractors. What is the best day around the beginning of June for him to begin the schedule?


Jennifer Cline, P.E.


City of Molalla


Public Works Director


O: 503.759.0218


F: 503.829.3676




-----Original Message-----

From: Jeff Mccrum []

Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 12:42 PM

To: Jennifer Cline

Subject: WTP Schedule




I'll start the new schedule we discussed on the 1st of June if that works.

Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm


