From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Thu Sep 24 12:19:39 2015

To: Nicholas Lennartz

Subject: FW: Workshop in October- FREE!

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Agenda_PostConstructionStormwater_10_7_2015.pdf;


Can you go in my place? I will be in class this week.

Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director

Licensed in OR, WA

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038

O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676

From: WOOLVERTON Priscilla []

Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2015 12:12 PM

To: City of Sandy Fisher ( <>; ClackamasCounty <>; ClackamasCounty(2) <>; ClackamasCounty(3) <>; Cline J. ( <>; Connerd <>; Dodell. City of Damascus <>; FirWoodDesign <>; Mike Bez <>; Wagner, City of Estacada <>; Aumsville <>; Bellew, C <>; BEngineering <>; Brownsville_admin <>; Brownsville_publicworks <>; Butler, Bob_Coburg <>; Campbell, K <>; City of Newberg <>; CityofAumsville <>; CityofAurora <>; CityofAurora(2) <>; CityofCanby <>; CityofDallas <>; CityofDallas(2) <>; CityofDonald <>; CityofDonald(2) <>; CityofDundee(2) <>; CityofFallsCity(2) <>; CityofGates <>; CityofGervais <>; CityofHubbard <>; CityofHubbard (2) <>; CityofIdanha <>; CityofIndependence <>; CityofIndependence(2) <>; CityofJefferson <>; CityofLyons <>; CityofMillCity <>; CityofMonmouth <>; CityofMtAngel <>; CityofMtAngel(2) <>; CityofMtAngel(3) <>; CityofOakridge <>; CityofScottMills <>; CityofSilverton(3) <>; CityofSublimity <>; CityofTurner <>; CityofWoodburn <>; CityofWoodburn(2) <>; CityofWoodburn(3) <>; CityofWoodburn(4) <>; Coburg_Planning <>; D.Walters_LCOG <>; J Russell ( <>; JGraybill_SweetHome <>; JunctionCity_Planning <>; Kraushaar, Steven <>; MAdamsSweetHome <>; McClure, S <>; mdamberg_creswell <>; Paulsen, Steve <>; Petra Schuetz <>; Tom Gilson <>; Warner, M <>; 'Fear, Adam' <>; Hoffman, Chad <>; Hurley, Daniel <>; 'Penpraze, Tom' <>; 'Sawyer, David' <>; 'Stebbing, Adam' <Adam.Stebbins@co.Benton.OR.US>; 'Verrey, Greg' <>; 'Walch, Therese' <>; 'Washburn, Sunny' <>; Andy Ridinger <>; Bork, Kay <>; Castillo, Barbara <>; Chuck Bellew ( <>; City of Scio <>; Cogburn, J <>; Emmons, Robert <>; Fergusson, Amanda <>; Foster, Drew <>; Gary Kaping <>; Georgia Edwards <>; Kagelaris, Kim <>; Knope, Jason <>; Martin, Cathy <>; McLennan, Seaton <>; Minard, Jim <>; Nelson, Cathy <>; PARTIPILO Rick <>; Ronda Fischer ( <>; Rubin, Jared <Jared.Rubin@EWEB.ORG>; Scholz, Chuck <>; Smith, Stan <>

Cc: WOOLVERTON Priscilla <>

Subject: Workshop in October- FREE!


DEQ is hosting a workshop in response to requests for guidance on how to approach and include Stormwater Strategies in your TMDL Implementation Plan.

In addition to learning about some of the practices and technologies currently available, we will introduce DEQ’s Guidance for Including Post-Construction Elements in TMDL Implementation Plans.

Time will also be provided to ask questions, brainstorm with your colleagues from other DMAs and provide feedback to DEQ about your city’s experience managing stormwater.

See attached agenda. Please RSVP to this email by 10/2/2015.

Best regards,


Priscilla Woolverton | TMDL Basin Specialist

Western Region |165 E. 7th Ave., Ste. 100, Eugene, OR 97401-3049 | 541.687.7347