From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Wed Aug 27 16:28:44 2014
To: Darren Penni
Cc: Garrett Edmunds
Subject: FW: vacation time........
Importance: Normal
Hi Darren,
I just wanted to double check with Garrett that we did not have any conflicts.
You are also approved for leave on the 8th and 9th of September.
From: Garrett Edmunds []
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 4:20 PM
To: Jennifer Cline
Subject: RE: vacation time........
Yes I did, no one else is off on the 8th or 9th, so he is good.
From: Jennifer Cline []
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 12:32 PM
To: Garrett Edmunds
Subject: FW: vacation time........
Did you take a look at the 8th and 9th?
From: Darren Penni []
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 3:42 PM
To: 'Jennifer Cline'
Cc: Garrett Edmunds
Subject: vacation time........
Hi Jen,
I am currently scheduled to be off September 10th, 11th and 15th to prepare for and take our daughter back to college. I don’t know if it’s too late or not but I wanted to ask if I can add September 8th and 9th to that request and just make a week of it? I don’t see anybody else scheduled for that time on our calendar down here.
Please let me know and thanks in advance!