From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Mon Nov 10 11:36:11 2014

To: Garrett Edmunds; Jonathan Patrick; Keith Stiglbauer

Cc: Dan Huff

Subject: FW: talk

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.jpg;


Hi –

It has been mentioned to me that our crews have been followed on the job and possibly harassed while working by the BCR group that is in lawsuit against the City. Do you or any of the guys have evidence of this? Did anyone take a video or photos of this occurring? Has anyone seen evidence online of the group talking negatively against the City or individuals? If so, will you please forward links to the events?


Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

image "file:///C:

From: Dan Huff []

Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 10:01 AM

To: Sadie Cramer; Heather Penni; Jennifer Cline; Jonathan Patrick

Subject: FW: talk

O.K. guys we gotta come up with more slanderous stuff.!

From: J.W. Ring []

Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 9:56 AM

To: Dan Huff; Phillip Bender

Cc: Mark Strandberg

Subject: RE: talk

Yes, we should talk about that and the risk that the City will continue to be harassed by her. I wish the City or any of its employees had some concrete examples of her blog remarks that are negative about individuals at the City.

From: Dan Huff []

Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 9:31 AM

To: J.W. Ring; Phillip Bender

Cc: Mark Strandberg

Subject: FW: talk

Jeff – We are set for today at 1:00pm.

One other thing. I received phone calls from two City Councilors that Susan Hansen had been calling them. One Councilor received a phone call at 6:15 AM Saturday morning. She was initially focusing on a land use action that is pending (which has quasi-judicial implications) but did talk about the lawsuit and made a number of statements that she and her group are watching us. Maybe we can chat about this for a few minutes today if we get time.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon

(503) 829-6855

image "file:///C:



This e-mail is a public record of the City of Molalla and is subject to public disclosure unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. This e-mail is subject to State Retention Schedule

From: Stephen Clark []

Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2014 4:07 AM

To: Dan Huff

Subject: Fwd: talk



Sent from my iPhone -

Stephen Clark


Begin forwarded message:

From: Susan Hansen <>

Date: November 8, 2014 at 4:48:28 PM PST

To: Susan Hansen <>, Stephen Clark <>

Subject: Re: talk

What ever happened to the principled guy who wrote this letter (attached)?

-----Original Message-----


Sent: Sat, 8 Nov 2014 15:10:19 -0800


Subject: Re: talk

Hey, maybe Pottle will share the documents I sent to him with you - after

all, it will now be hard to claim you don't know there are huge costs

associated with wetlands/riparian zones in the FR/Lowe Road area. But I

guess monkey see/monkey do is what Huff likes - keep the council in the

dark so he can "honor" Ivanov. Sleazy cronyism is the motto that never

goes away when it comes to Molalla politics. Oh, I forgot, soon you will

just be another tax paying slave, no longer a policy maker. Now you get

to have Jennifer make the policy. Hilarious! I love the part about taking

over 211 from Vaughn to the y "if" ODOT will bring it up to standards.

What planet are you people living on - does anyone have a clue that there


-----Original Message-----


Sent: Sat, 8 Nov 2014 14:54:34 -0800


Subject: Re: talk

Wow- back at you! Pottle at least had the decency to listen. I thought

you would see through a crappy bully like Huff who is clearly working


Ivanov. I hope you all vote to fund Lowe Rd. I sent Pottle the documents

I got from County so there is no excuse of you all bumble in to funding


road boondoggle for Ivanov and Jim Taylor while your crappy city

crumbles. Can any of you dummies read a wetland map or research what

things COST IN THE ROAD BUILDING REALM? How fast power corrupts - it's

the same "honor the speculators" now that went on with Pottle/Clarke

honoring Kyllo - now it's all about Rogge and Ivanov needing more places

to stuff in ill planned crap with Huff as the driver. What a shame you

lost your principles. It must be horrible to be trapped underwater in

Shitville but given your attitudes I guess you deserve it. Enjoy! Susan

-----Original Message-----


Sent: Sat, 8 Nov 2014 10:25:28 -0800


Subject: Re: talk

You are a detriment to society.

Sent from my iPhone -

Stephen Clark

On Nov 8, 2014, at 8:40 AM, Susan Hansen <>


Pottle talked to me before I called you. This has zero to do with the

Clean Water Act lawsuit. But fine with me if you all want to pass an

urban renewal package with Lowe Rd without understanding the huge

constrictions and costs. Pottle said nothing about could not talk

because of legal. And in fact my lawyers said I could talk to anyone,

even city council, except not to talk to the Molalla lawyers - so as

usual I expect you are being sold the wrong story. Enjoy Decayville.
