From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Tue Sep 08 17:12:49 2015

To: Jason Clifford

Cc: Heather Penni

Subject: FW: Scan from City of Molalla

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 20150908165514586.pdf;


Hi Jason,


Attached is our current budget for August, end of month.


The Professional Services Line fund is exhausted at almost 150%, and expect to see it climb a bit more before the end of the year. The majority of this fund has expended on lawyer fees and portions of Brown and Caldwell's work (excluding I&I).


O&M is also at 50%, which is mainly due to the unforeseen forced-main and big gun repair expenses. I would like to see us minimize spending here for future unknown repairs.


At times it is expected to overrun Line Item funds with the expectation we don’t exceed Total Materials and Services. We currently are at 30% which should look more like 15-20% 2 months into the F/Y.


I wanted to share this so you have a good picture as to why specifically we need to watch expenses and look for creative cost savings where possible.


Let me know if you have any other questions.


