From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Fri Sep 11 10:07:12 2015
To: Dan Huff; Christine Hein
Subject: FW: sampling
Importance: Normal
On Monday 9/7, Jason started the plant from home and Jake came into start the Big Gun. Jake had left to return home on the Holiday a forgont to take a coliform sample grab. In the NPDES, page 16, Table B9 for Recycled Water Monitoring requires for Class A water a daily sample grab be taken for total Coliform. This was not done for Monday when we began irrigating. When filling in the DMR today, Jason realized the sample had been missed. Although we have seen no coliform issues the week prior or this week, I’m unaware if this missed grab will count as a violation?
I have to take off to an appointment now, I will be back in the office around 12:30-1pm to discuss how we want to report the miss.
Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director
Licensed in OR, WA
117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038
O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676
From: Jason Clifford []
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 9:38 AM
To: Jennifer Cline <>
Subject: sampling
I read over the permit and on page 16 at the top it says daily sampling. Let me know what you think.