From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Wed May 18 14:41:21 2016

To: Ryan Hepler

Cc: Jason Clifford

Subject: FW: Public Comment Opportunity: Updated Source Water Assessment prototype

Importance: Normal

Attachments: USWA RequestForComments.docx; UpdatedSourceWaterAssessment-DraftPrototype.pdf;


Any comments?

Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director

Licensed in OR, WA

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038

O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676

From: HARVEY Julie []

Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 11:37 AM

To: '' <>; '' <>; '' <>; '' <>; '' <>; '' <>; 'bbenson@CANBYUTILITY.ORG' <bbenson@CANBYUTILITY.ORG>; '' <>; 'Kim Swan' <>; '' <>; 'Jennifer Cline' <>; '' <>; '' <>; '' <>

Subject: Public Comment Opportunity: Updated Source Water Assessment prototype

Northwest Region Public Water Systems owners and operators,

My apologies for the blanket email but we wanted to get this information out to you as soon a possible so you would have time to provide feedback on this work since the information directly affects public water systems. The Oregon Health Authority and Department of Environmental Quality are developing new information to assist public water systems with watershed protection efforts. We would like to request your feedback on this “prototype” of an Updated Source Water Assessment (USWA).

As you may recall, between 1999 and 2005, Source Water Assessment reports were provided to each public water system in Oregon. Since that time, new information and mapping are available to update those assessments per the state’s duties under the Safe Drinking Water Act. The Updated Source Water Assessments provide information to public water systems for them to develop and implement local drinking water protection planning so that they can continue to have high quality sources of drinking water. The assessments will not be used to initiate a regulatory process by DEQ or local government. Rather the local communities could use the USWA information for place-based planning processes, such as Oregon’s Integrated Water Resource Planning.

The USWA prototype is an example of the individual USWAs for the 50 coastal public water systems and will be used as the prototype for USWAs for public water systems using surface water across the state. The City of Seaside’s Public Works Director gave authorization for DEQ to use Seaside as the prototype in the public comment process. The Seaside drinking water source area is a good example because of the diversity of land uses and upstream landowners.

DEQ is opening public comment on the Updated Source Water Assessment prototype on May 18, 2016. Copies of this document will be sent via email to other state agencies, industry groups, public water systems, and other stakeholders. DEQ will accept public comments through June 10, 2016 and after making revisions based on comments, individual Updated Source Water Assessments will be sent to each of the 50 public water systems on the Oregon Coast. The coastal watersheds are the highest priority due to your ongoing challenges with extreme weather events. DEQ will complete USWAs for all surface water systems in the state within the next year.

We are particularly interested in getting feedback from the public water system officials and small communities. If you have time, please look through the prototype document and send an email with your thoughts. Thank you.

For more information on the process, see the attachment “Request for Comments”.

Comments on this prototype document can be addressed to:

Sheree Stewart, Drinking Water Protection Coordinator

Oregon DEQ

811 SW 6th

Portland, OR 97204

Thanks for your support – please let me know if you have questions or would like assistance in your particular drinking water source area!


Julie Harvey

Drinking Water Protection Specialist

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

811 SW 6th Ave. Portland, OR 97204

503-229-5664 or 1-800-452-4011 ( in OR)