From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Mon Sep 29 15:53:48 2014

To: Jonathan Patrick

Cc: Daphne Lisac

Subject: FW: Pool Computers

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.gif;



Hi Jon,

I am having an additional computer delivered to your office for Jake to use. Can you please identify a good location for them to locate the computer and possibly an Ethernet jack.



From: Daphne Lisac []

Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 2:56 PM


Subject: FW: Pool Computers

Hi Jennifer,

Please send me an email where at the Waste Water Treatment Plant you would like the PC installed and if this will be for a specific person or group. We can get this installed this week but may need to install an additional ethernet jack.

Thank you,


From: Heather Penni []

Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 2:26 PM

To: Daphne Lisac

Cc: Rod Lucich; 'Jennifer Cline'; 'Dan Huff'

Subject: Pool Computers


A decision has been made on a new home for the (2) computer stations that were previously at the pool. Please coordinate with Jennifer Cline to install one station at the waste water treatment plant and coordinate with Chief Rod Lucich to install the other in the police department.

This relocation of equipment has been approved.

Thanks for all of your help and as always for the magnificent service we receive from MCC J
